Torquemonster header sucess! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Torquemonster header sucess!


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
I am now happy to announce, my custom Torquemonster headers are on and talking.
I had my daughter hold the camera, big mistake, her commentary is a little less than lady like, but I guess I scared her. She didn't know I was going to get on it. anyway- the acceleration is 0-62 mph, and my throttle body doesn't open all the way, but here goes

sounds a bit different than the clip in my sig

what you think?

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exhaust sounds great!

my gf calls me that all the

we should race for pinks!!

errr wait no we shouldnt......
maybe the BII in 2wd with the 33's.........


Sounds awesome, I bet you picked up some power over the old manifolds.....
Just make sure you torque those suckers again after they have been hot AND keep an eye on your plug wire routing, etc...

Fix your TB??? All that time and $$$ and you can't get your butterfly to open 100% hahahaha just messin...

Wow....ummm...i think they made your mounty slower so um how about u just take them off and give them to me - yes, give them....please?

Every time I try to open the page my browser crashes...

very nice, nice comment also...nerd! lol jk

what kind of mufflers do you have? dual? single?

I used to live in Wakefield KS BTW, heard of it? about 20 mins from Junction City...population of just over 1000 people
