trailers lets see them!!!! | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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trailers lets see them!!!!

i do a ton of camping, 4-5 trips a year. I am so sick and tired of putting up and taking down the tent that i am going to build a teardrop trailer. What do you guys think? I will probably need a trailer with at least a 1,500lbs capacity to start.

These photos are not mine, but this build up will give you the basic idea
The Truck with a Heart

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pick up this 3 years ago for cheap to move to maine, its a short height 5x8

So far, new tires and rims, rewired the lights, and still need to service the bearings




old pic when i first got it home


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I tried this setup for a day. I didn't feel too safe at highway speeds. I used a F350 Dually later for pulling this setup.




This is the trailer I list in my signature. I tow it during winter/spring seasons for my daughter's Colorguard team competitions. It's far too heavy for me to tow during marching season. And this is the little one; this trailer could just about fit inside the big one we have.


This is the biggest trailer I tow. 6.5"x 12". So far the most I've towed was about 3,000lbs. This load is only going to be about 2300 once I get a 3 wheeler and gear on there.




lol I mean a smart car could prob pull this, but its a trailer right??

2005 6x12 Haulmark "Camper" It has a cabinet, a table, and a propane heater big enough to heat a garage. The previous owner used it as an ice house for fishing.

We plan on using it for camping, but as of right now, we use it for storage and stuff, as we are displaced from our house due to it being flooded, and the basement collapsing. :(


This is my tow.....


This is my tow.....


Lets go score some walleye. :D
Check out one of the gps units with the hot spots overlay chips, cools stuff, we got one last year for the ranger boat.


heres my sport and the lil boat i tow - weighs nothing so its easy on the clutch to pull outa the water :)


Here's my new trailer, it needs to be converted but I got her in a trade.



Home made trailer, home made car:


Car is all black now:


^^more info on the car!

Here's my trailer. It's a 1996 Jayco Eagle 10 popup camper. It tows pretty well- going up some mountains at 8,000+ feet, the SOHC motor feels a little asthmatic.



Just bought it this spring and have taken it on 5 camping trips this year so far. It's fun.

Car is a '92 325i with "M" bumpers. Powered by a Chevrolet LS1 350ci engine and t-56 6 speed out of a '99 camaro. I drive the car almost every day, all the gauges and A/C are fully functional and it gets 25+ MPG!!! I have been 12.2@114 so far and I feel it still has an 11 second pass in it as the weather cools off.

My trailer

Here's my trailer. Right I tow with my 2002 Escape XLT, while I wait for my 2012 Explorer!



New Camper for the 2010 Sport Trac.


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New Camper for the 2010 Sport Trac.

^^ Nice ST and camper, how many mpgs do you gain with it?! LOL How do you like the weight distribution bars? Did you add them yourself?

Here's mine

2000 Jayco Eagle 12 UDST pop up camper. 3,000 lbs GVWR.

2TimingTom, Don't feel too bad, My Expedition with the 5.4 liter struggles above 8,000 feet. At 8,900 feet pulling a 10% grade I was floored going 35 mph. No horsepower at those elevations.

Pulling with the Expedition here.

Set up camping here.

Inside pic.

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^^ Nice ST and camper, how many mpgs do you gain with it?! LOL How do you like the weight distribution bars? Did you add them yourself?

Thanks! lol, it dropped to about 11-13mpg, mostly city driving to bring it home.
Post 200mi trip - 10mpg; Mostly 65mph, no problem running up to 70mph.
RV center added the WD hitch, since the trailer is only 3k lbs, some say you don't need it, but it supposed to be a lot better with while on the highway. Its a pain to setup, once i get there if i have to move it i'll be using the std hitch.
