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Tranny Cooler Location


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June 21, 2006
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Ames, IA
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2020 Explorer ST
On the third gens, where is the auxillary tranny cooler located? Is it behind the radiator?

I have the 4.6 with towing package. My ultimate goal is to mount a second auxillary cooler to the front of the radiator. This could be a challenge if the factory auxillary is mounted behind the radiator.

Chime in if you have any experience with this project.

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For 100% effectivness I mounted a huge new one on the front of the radiator,
after I put in new trans.

I thought I remembered someone saying that the factory one was behind the radiator. I have had no time at all to crawl underneath and look where the factory auxillary one is.

I did this mod two weeks ago, the factory cooler is inbetween the rad and the condensor. The hardest part of the install was getting my "clamp cutter" to cut the top clamp (top line is back to the transmission) on the factory cooler. I had to phenagle my hand down the side of the radiator from the top...PIA I tell you. Once I got that cut I mounted my 2nd cooler infront of the top grille and placed my oil filter on the metal bar just below the main grille. It's late and dark out now, but I will post some pics in the AM after I do my throttle body mod:D. Don't be like me and forget to add extra fluid...

did you have to remove your front bumper? did you do a fluid change, too? if you could walk through step by step how you did it, that'd be awesome...

I'm thinking of installing an oil cooler on my 2002 also. The top line of the factory cooler is the return line? Some pics would be nice....thanks.

i'm going to try my best at explaining what I did...Ask me any questions that you may have because I'm sure that I'll forget some stuff...

Step by Step:

1.Remove front grill and Bumper Cover
2. Remove the plastic trim underneath the Front Grille location as well as the lower bumper location
3. Remove Radiator Cover in engine compartment
4. I mounted the B&M plate cooler on the metal bar above the bumper (see picture #1 & #5). I placed it towards the driver side. Drilling the holes was very easy.
5. I also installed a remote oil filter (B&M) on the same bar towards the passenger side (see picture #1, #2 & #4)/
6. I then measured the line lengths needed to run in this order:
Transmission Feed Line-->Factory Cooler IN(already in place)-->Factory Cooler Out (Top Outlet)-->Aux. Cooler Inlet (bottom)-->Aux. Cooler Outlet (top)-->Transmission Oil Filter In-->Tranmission Oil Filter Out-->Transmission Return Line
7. Connect all of your lines, tighten all of your clamps.
8. After everything was installed, I used a dremel tool and cut out some sections on the plastic that covers the metal support since I had fastened things in their place.
9. Lastly I installed everything back on and drove over to the transmission shop and had a fluid and filter change.

Sorry if it was a little quick....but since I had already done this a few weeks back I kinda forgot a few again, ask me questions if you need to










Three Questions...thanks a TON for posting this as there is no definitive topic for the 3rd gens.

1) Did the B&M Supercooler come with the 3/8" hose connectors (see image 9)

2) I assume 10' of 3/8" heater hose will work, did you use less than that?

3) How much quarts of extra tranny fluid does this take?


Here you go:

1. It came with a 3/8 connector but that connector is in two parts, so I went with a single piece connector (the one with the cooler was actually for a car with the lines running through the radiator) - you are much better off buying your own connector
2. 10' feet should be more than enough
3. I think that an extra pint to a quart should be first I didnt have enough fluid and it was slipping a bit...then I took it over to the tranny shop and had it done professionally....I hate how these transmissions do not have a dip stick...

Nice install... The rubber hose is not heater hose though, the stuff that comes with your new cooler is much tougher than heater hose. If you can't find any transmission grade rubber hose, you could do what I did and run 3/8 copper (flare the ends a bit to give the hose and clamps something to bite on to) and make your connections using the hose that came with your cooler.

Heater hose will fail. It is not strong enough.

Here you go:

1. It came with a 3/8 connector but that connector is in two parts, so I went with a single piece connector (the one with the cooler was actually for a car with the lines running through the radiator) - you are much better off buying your own connector
2. 10' feet should be more than enough
3. I think that an extra pint to a quart should be first I didnt have enough fluid and it was slipping a bit...then I took it over to the tranny shop and had it done professionally....I hate how these transmissions do not have a dip stick...

How hard was it to get to the hoses on the cooler and snip the hose clamps off? Also, what hoses on the stock auxillary cooler are in & out?

How hard was it to get to the hoses on the cooler and snip the hose clamps off? Also, what hoses on the stock auxillary cooler are in & out?

The Haynes Manual says that you remove the radiator...there was no way in HELL that I was going to do I just took my skinny long arms and messed around with it for about 30 minutes...I also had a shoulder injury, so maybe it isn't really that bad...should take only 5minutes or less to get the TOP clamp off. That is the only one you need to remove at that is the line that goes back to the tranny...I hate saying tranny, but anyways the beer is talking...back to it

05 Exp trans cooler lines

I am going to install the Perma-Cool 10677 filter and temp gauge kit and a B & M Supercooler to my 05 Explorer with V6. I have not taken a part my stock cooler lines where the metal lines connect to the black rubber hoses. Does any one know if I can just slide a 3/8" ID rubber transmission hose on the end of the metal line fittings after I take them apart?

2005 Exlplorer XLT V6
1993 Mustang GT
1967 Mustang coupe V8
1966 Mustang coupe V8

I am going to install the Perma-Cool 10677 filter and temp gauge kit and a B & M Supercooler to my 05 Explorer with V6. I have not taken a part my stock cooler lines where the metal lines connect to the black rubber hoses. Does any one know if I can just slide a 3/8" ID rubber transmission hose on the end of the metal line fittings after I take them apart?

2005 Exlplorer XLT V6
1993 Mustang GT
1967 Mustang coupe V8
1966 Mustang coupe V8

Have you tackled this yet? I am planning to do this over the weekend.

sethmorgan said:
Have you tackled this yet? I am planning to do this over the weekend.



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