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Tranny fluid service


Well-Known Member
February 23, 2006
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Cologne, Germany
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'07 Eddie Bauer 4x4
Dear @all,

our ’07 Eddie Bauer just has 35K mls and I wonder what service work is necessary the coming months. Away from engine oil in the near future I do like to service the tranny.

Has anybody already done this job? W/o a dipstick it seems you do need some equipment to refill the tranny. I mean I am familiar with tranny fluid changes, I just have done the TH700R4 on my ’82 Corvette. But the 5R55S seems to be very ‘special’ here.

Thank you for your help!

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if you just want to empty the trannys oil pan and add fresh ATF, it´s quick and easy.
Did this at 60000mls and the ATF looked and smelled like new.
The handbook calls for a complete tranny flush, but i doubt that the dealer here do more than just empty and fill.
If you need the service tool and/or pump, let me know.
Gruss, André

I just got mine flushed at the dealer 2 weeks ago at 50K miles. I noticed the difference immediately, quicker and smoother shifts. Also I had an issue when it was super cold out (below -20C) the tranny wouldn't downshift for the first couple miles. I would come up to a stop sign and it would stay in 2nd or 3rd gear and when I went to go again it would slip like crazy then finally decide to downshift to 1st. After the flush all my issues have gone away.

Now, you probably won't see that kind of difference but its possible. I am attributing my cold weather whine and cold weather shifting issues to when I had the rad replaced. Since they had to unhook the trans cooler lines, oil probably was drained and never put back in therefore I think I was just low on fluid.

I think that at 35K miles its a little overkill to flush the trans oil (unless you are having issues like I was). Personally I would flush it at 50K mile intervals, mainly cause I have heard horror stories and plan on keeping my truck till it dies. So the longer it runs the better.

Hello. pls where can you find location of the gear oil for Explorer 06?

IMO, 35k is no where close to needing the fluid changed. I usually wait until at least 60k without blinking an eye. The service manual recommends a fluid change way too early.
