tranny problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tranny problem


Active Member
March 19, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
glendale arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 xlt 4.0l 4x4
I have a 1991 ford explorer 4x4 4.0l automatic no mods yet

I got its a couple months ago and it has been running great. Very very smooth no cricks or noises a small possible tranny or oil pan leak its dirty didnt get the chance to look at it closely. but leak is very small not enouph to leak onto cement.

Yesterday i was about to go around a corner so i let off the gas when i finished turning i put my foot on the petal and it just reved. No noises were made it just acted like it was in neutral all of a sudden. I checked what gear i was in it still said i was in overdrive. I thought maybe the computer screwed it up so i turned it off to restart it and put it back in drive. It does not start but still goes into nuetral and such.

The only thing i can think of is the flywheel is broke but i didnt hear a break and no grinding has been happening. I thought i would get the forums opinion before i spent $1000 to get the flywheel fixed. It might not be the flywheel then poof i wasted 800 to pull the tranny for no reson.

that amount of money still seems rediculus even if it is the flywheel. So how hard is it to pull tranny and changed flywheel on these 4x4 automatics. I have replaced one in a manual 280z and it wasnt to horible

srry if this is in the wrong thread i searched around and attempted to do research but failed.

thanks for reading guys

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What do you mean by "it does not start but goes into neutral and such"?

it goes into all the gears i can check without starting it (neutral and park)

But it all of a sudden does not start in addition to the transmission problem?

yup. I do not know much about automatics but if the engine cant hook with the cluch it cant start right? or maybe its a much worse issue of the crank being broken??? but once again no clunking or noises

If it quit moving forward at the same time that it cranks but won't start, but the motor didn't quit running until you shut it off, it sure sounds like there is something wrong with your flywheel. What makes it kind of weird is that it's an automatic. Try removing the access plate and look at what it does while someone cranks the starter.

will do throwing on a lift tomorrow
