Transgo A4LD shift kit clarification | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transgo A4LD shift kit clarification


Explorer Addict
December 27, 2001
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City, State
Spanish Fork, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT and '87 Bronco II
Considering getting a Transgo A4LD jr. shift kit; read some decent reviews on it. recommends that the kit only be installed as part of an overall rebuild and not as part of a between rebuild update (they even go so far as to say it can't be installed "in car"). I've seen others that say it doesn't matter. What would be the reasons this should maybe be reserved for only when doing a rebuild?

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Shorty - I'm not at home right now, so cannot be more precise about what is in the kit, but as I recall only a small part of the transgo kit has parts for places reachable without removing the transmission (eq. valve body etc.) If you can wait til later next week, I'll do a post on the contents of both the transgo and superior kits. HTH.

I would appreciate any info you have.
BTW, Your A4LD rebuild diary is a good read. Going to use it in conjunction with my other manual if/when I get to this.

when i got it installed as part of the rebuild, the installer said he wouldn't want to do it when a rebuild wasn't needed.

Alec said:
when i got it installed as part of the rebuild, the installer said he wouldn't want to do it when a rebuild wasn't needed.
Did he give you any reason?

Mr. Shorty

The only thing you wont be able to install is the updated center support seals. And chances are yours already have them. The old style have been out of production since 1995. Dont be bashfull when drilling the seperator plate, What they call firm, really means noticable. Pay extra attention to the reverse updates. I see many mistakes in that section, including a few of my own. :p

Thanks for the input, alyz1flr

I'm going to 2nd what ALYZ1FLR just said. don't be shy on drilling... I've done a few now and in each case I think I should be more aggressive in drill size.. Thanks ALYZ!!!! Good advice.... and the BULK of the Transgo kit is useable in VB only rebuilds, unlike the Superior kit.
