Transmission needed. Dire need | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission needed. Dire need


July 26, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Woodbury Nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 explorer
Took my 97 explorer to the trans shop yesterday to hopefully have what we ( trans mechanic and I ) thought was a blown valve body gasket replaced. My truck slipped in D but if you put it in 2 and got up to speed you could put it in drive and was fine. Until you came to a stop. After some dio time he found that the valve body was fine. He concluded its a front or rear roller sprag that is bad. This means my trans is a ticking time bomb lol. With 145000 on the speedo I don't wanna part with my beloved x. He quoted me 2600 for the rebuild.

Does this sound ok for a price?

Does anyone have a 5r55e trans for sale in the south jersey area?
I'm working with a limited budget as I'm getting married soon. If anyone can help its greatly appreciated.

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If he's a reputable rebuilder and offers a good warranty then I'd say it's not a bad price. I purchased and replaced a rebuilt 5r55e from Jasper for about the same money and installed it myself in my 2000 with 175,000 at the time. Now at 210,000 and still humming. The thing with a boneyard or used trans is you really don't know if your going to have the same problems again soon. With a good rebuild alot of the issues that created problems in the first place have been fixed.

look on craigslist for another that year or close that is cheap, use the trans out of it, a few years had the same trans,

Thats why I don't do automatics unless I have no choice and just gotta have new wheels, I might burn a clutch out, sincros may even go bad but not that much to get fixed ;b

Found a good shop that will do a complete tear down rebuild with a new torque converter and a lifetime warranty for 1900. From what I have heard I won't find a better price then that.

Took my 97 explorer to the trans shop yesterday to hopefully have what we ( trans mechanic and I ) thought was a blown valve body gasket replaced. My truck slipped in D but if you put it in 2 and got up to speed you could put it in drive and was fine. Until you came to a stop. After some dio time he found that the valve body was fine. He concluded its a front or rear roller sprag that is bad. This means my trans is a ticking time bomb lol. With 145000 on the speedo I don't wanna part with my beloved x. He quoted me 2600 for the rebuild.

Does this sound ok for a price?

Does anyone have a 5r55e trans for sale in the south jersey area?
I'm working with a limited budget as I'm getting married soon. If anyone can help its greatly appreciated.
I'm in the Hagerstown area and currently I have a 2000 Ford Explorer for a parts car that still has working transmission the only thing is it kind of needs gone before tomorrow morning because of the spot that it's parked in and I can't move it

You’re about 10 years too late, bud

I'm in the Hagerstown area and currently I have a 2000 Ford Explorer for a parts car that still has working transmission the only thing is it kind of needs gone before tomorrow morning because of the spot that it's parked in and I can't move it
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