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Transmission Slipping?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2005
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99 4 Door
My transmission has been slipping pretty bad. Yesterday I had the oil/filter in the tranny changed, and the system flushed. But it still slips pretty bad. Any one know any ways to fix it, without having the whole thing rebuilt?

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Without a rebuild...replace it :thumbsup:

A slipping tranny can destroy itself in short order. Tranny's slip usually due to either inadequate pressures to lock up the friction material, or because the friction material has become "glazed".

From a non rebuild perspective, you can "adjust the bands" and rebuild the VB and replace the EPC..... and hope. Might work. No dropping the trans.

Keep driving it as is, and you WILL glaze and burn the frictions and then you WILL have to drop it.

What about all of those additives that they sell that are supposed to help old transmissions stop slipping? I know that the Lucas stop leak seems to be a temporary fix. They expand, swell the seals, and friction materials to give it a little extra life. From what I've heard, it might work well for a while, but could possibly shorten its lifespan. Does anybody have any comments on this?

I've used those to squeeze a few more miles but only out of trannies I knew I was going to pull soon anyway. No real magic bullets. Here I am bettingon low pressure because of a worn out EPC or a gasket.

So pretty much dropping it is the only choice? Hopefully with my tax return. It should be time anyways, I have 220000 miles (30000 on the engine).

read my last post.... there ARE some thing you can try.... but at 220K.... you got good service.

yea I realize that...i want it totally fixed though you know. Ill use that till i can get it fixed, but I want it repaired or rebuilt
