Treadwright tires anyone? | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Treadwright tires anyone?

I am researching the tires. I am looking for some 31's. I want a mud terrain as that's what I enjoy most as of now. That should change after awhile. It get's everywhere!!!
I am looking at getting the sites version of either the BFG A/T or the MT/R.



I am wanting to know if anyone on here has some first hand experience with any of their tires, particularly the two mentioned above.

I did search first. Found two threads on their old stuff(Green Diamonds). They have a different and better product now from what I've heard.

Thanks in advance,

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Coupon codes? Supposedly found in TreadWright magazine ads.

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I ordered a set of 315/70_17's - in that size the bfg all-terrain is the only type casing they use. It comes in "r" and "s" speed ratings but for some reason they can't sort them apart so I may get either type or a mixed set...

Also, I talked to someone there who mentioned they were going to get a new setup that will totally remold from bead to bead, so there would be no seam, and presumably the sidewalls would say "TreadWright guard dog" with the original info being gone.

Gonna have to replace my 33x12.5x15 BFG AT's soon, will def look into TW for replacements. Thanx for all the info everyone...

Well my second set died last night. I got them in December of 2010 so they've lasted a long while. Driving through town I stopped to make a turn and heard a loud hiss coming from the driver front tire. Got out and the sidewall had split from wear. Kinda saw it coming as the last few months the tires were starting to look pretty rough.

I really liked the Treadwrights as a good cheap tire, but now that I am doing more traveling for my job I'm going to buckle down and buy all new tires.

I got a set of Treadwright 35x12.5R17 Guard Dog M/T with Kedge Grip on Toyo Open Country casings. That's a true 35x12.5, not 315/70R17. I ordered them as the 315s but they called me the next day and asked if these Toyos were ok and also asked if it was ok that they are Load Range E. I said sure, I'll give it a try. It's definitely more stiff than the LR D KM2s but not not as bad as I expected. I figure the LR E may get me more wear out of these tires on a relatively light truck and be stronger off road. We'll see how they do aired down. The were on back order for the regular retread so I opted for the Kedge Grip. Couldn't hurt, right?




Five 35x12.5 M/T to my door for under $1k. That's a gamble I'll take. So far, I like the odds.

I got a set of Treadwright 35x12.5R17 Guard Dog M/T with Kedge Grip on Toyo Open Country casings. That's a true 35x12.5, not 315/70R17. I ordered them as the 315s but they called me the next day and asked if these Toyos were ok and also asked if it was ok that they are Load Range E. I said sure, I'll give it a try. It's definitely more stiff than the LR D KM2s but not not as bad as I expected. I figure the LR E may get me more wear out of these tires on a relatively light truck and be stronger off road. We'll see how they do aired down. The were on back order for the regular retread so I opted for the Kedge Grip. Couldn't hurt, right?




Five 35x12.5 M/T to my door for under $1k. That's a gamble I'll take. So far, I like the odds.

How have your tires been working out for you? I just got these but in 32"s and also wondering if you had issues mounting?
I did a first impressions review on youtube if anyone is curious

interested in how they are holding up

Well, it's been almost 11 months and I've rotated them twice. Even wear. About 60% tread left. I run 36 psi. My odometer is off so I didn't bother to pay attention to mileage when I mounted them. They're holding up well. I did lose a bead on an off road trip in August but that was because I was determined to keep turning into packed mud I got stuck in. Also blew my power steering pump and rack for reference. Rotated the spare in and got it reseated, no issue. I'll try to get a picture on my lunch break today.

Well, it's been almost 11 months and I've rotated them twice. Even wear. About 60% tread left. I run 36 psi. My odometer is off so I didn't bother to pay attention to mileage when I mounted them. They're holding up well. I did lose a bead on an off road trip in August but that was because I was determined to keep turning into packed mud I got stuck in. Also blew my power steering pump and rack for reference. Rotated the spare in and got it reseated, no issue. I'll try to get a picture on my lunch break today.

11 months isnt too bad. whats your guess on mileage?10K 25k? 50k?

how much did you pay a piece?

My best guess is somewhere between 8-10k this year.

eh thats kind of a quick wear down?

i think kenda kevlar are at about 10k+ 6 months. and they are maybe at 80-90% seriously still look new. and i drive stupid aggressive

Okay, they aren't wearing as evenly as I thought but still not bad. My fault, though, not the tires. 36 psi was too high (I kinda knew that already) so there's a 1-2/32 difference from the center to outer lugs. Wearing equally among the 4 tires, though, all around 12/32 at the center lugs so roughly 60% left after 11 months. I let some air out down to 30 psi.



And a shameless, "the tires ARE in the picture" picture.


those dont look too bad really. I run my 32's at 25 PSI. my dad thinks im crazy for that, and they are a little soft but wear evenly

I've got 25k on my wardens and they still look great and are amazing. We run all tread wrights on my work trucks (250's)(5) towing 12k regularly on the at pattern and have had no problems.... Love them!!!

Anyone running the new bead to bead models
