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Truck Haven MLK 2018

Have to have the trailer completely rewired again!!!!! Guess that's what I get for harboring a 95 pound 8 month old puppy!!
Large pieces of wiring started showing up on the deck, took us humans a little while to figure out where it was coming from:banghead:.

Ouch, that's just miserable.

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Need to fix the parking break on JP still, which will get done this weekend, and to work on the super duty and camper a bit. Still have not had time to mess with the fridge yet, so may just have to do ice chests for this run.

Two weeks :D

Brian, what days are you going?

I'm considering heading down for this..

I would like to be there on Wednesday the 10th to get us a good spot, and to relax for a few days. It all depends on how fast this week I can pull the engine of the donor Explorer and get it out of the RV spot, so I can bring the RV home to go through it and start packing.

Tom, It would be great to have you come down.

JP is all up and running, we took it across town to get in on some 31 flavors scoop night at Baskin Robbins. Although she's not liking the year and half old gas in her. Little 104 and premium have been helping. Just need to burn off the old gas.

Don't own an explorer anymore but I'm going to try to bring my Xterra out. It's all stock, hopefully I can hang with @R.J. in his itty bitty bronco. :laugh:

Work's crazy right now plus CES in Vegas next week so it's going to be tough but I'll try to get out to Truckhaven for at least a day.

Don't own an explorer anymore but I'm going to try to bring my Xterra out. It's all stock, hopefully I can hang with @R.J. in his itty bitty bronco. :laugh:

Work's crazy right now plus CES in Vegas next week so it's going to be tough but I'll try to get out to Truckhaven for at least a day.

We'll have 33's and a rear locker. That's enough to have fun.

DW_eagle took a bone-stock Wrangler out there a year ago. And as far as I know, he left with no (additional) body damage.

Is it alright with everyone if we try Marina Drive again?

Someone doesn't like the new mesa ultimate camping spot. :D I should be there sometime Wednesday and should be able to grab the spot at the far end of the flat area by the wash.

Marina Drive is good with me:thumbsup:

Where is that from the mesa?

Where is that from the mesa?

You've been there. It's the paved road that goes past the houses and turns into dirt.

Marina Drive is off of SR-86, about two miles north of S-22. You turn west, and drive through a small housing tract and road turns into dirt. Follow that and at a "Y" in the road with a large State Park sign, take the right fork. Follow that about 100 yards to a large and semi-flat dirt area. Look for a white Explorer and a pumpkin colored Explorer, parked next to a white Dolphin RV and a Dodge truck with bed mounted camper and a black trailer. That will be us.

How many RV's and how many tent campers are coming?

Yes sir! Will do!:bounce::D 1 motorhome 1 trailer and a white explorer, 2 humans, and 3 big dogs!!

1 tent for me. Should be there Friday afternoon.

1 popup. I'll be out by noon on Friday. Weather is looking really good.

I'm considering bringing one of the dogs, but since I'm riding ***** :D she'd have to stay at the trailer.

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I will be there!

Heading down Wednesday AM, should be there late Wednesday night (8-9ish pm), headed back on Monday AM.

Bringing me, the dog and the JKUR, flat towing behind the Superduty and camper.
