Truck Haven MLK 2017 Jan 13 - 15 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truck Haven MLK 2017 Jan 13 - 15

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Getting some steady rain just like a couple weeks ago out would probably be a mudfest out at Truckhaven this weekend.

looking forward to another run being planned. I want to bring the Navajo out again.

Getting some steady rain just like a couple weeks ago out would probably be a mudfest out at Truckhaven this weekend.

Glad to hear it's happening when we're not there. ;)

I would really like to get out there for a redemption run before summer.

How about President's Day weekend? February 18.

I'm also in for president's day weekend. I'm up for pretty much any of the trails in So Cal if people don't want to do truckhaven.

Well, I'm out again... :banghead:

Hello all, new to the Fourms, love what I see so far. Was wondering is there any groups out in Las Vegas area.

I'm going to say I'm probably out till fall, the way it's looking. I'm in get the (insert innuendo here) out of my place fixer up mode.

Need a bigger pasture :D

Best of luck with the sale Steve. I hope you get what you are after.

I am not sure if the Explorer will be back together by then. So far, most people are out, so maybe another weekend?

I am up for another weekend, though unfortunately in the Spring my weekends can be tough, but I will make it work if I can. If nothing sooner maybe shoot for around Easter, April 16?

Best of luck with the sale Steve. I hope you get what you are after.

Thanks... I need the luck for finding something good that's not a million dollars...and unfortunately that's literally.:eek:
