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Truckhaven Potluck


Admin's Wife, Explorer Babe
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 10, 1999
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1993 Explorer XLT
Here's the thread where you check to see what everyone is bringing and what still needs to be brought. There will be 25 - 30 people eating. We will be supplying cups, plasticware, napkins, plates, and bowls. Everyone supplies their own meat and beverage.

Spinach Pinwheels - Gopher
Oranges - Blaine122300

Ceasar Salad - BKennedy
Macaroni Salad - tdavis

Ketchup & Mustard
Salad Dressings

Side Dishes
Spanish Rice - DB-1
Kugel - Char

dessert - Xplodor
Brownies - Jefe
Pies - stic-o

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I'll bring some dessert and a bottle of "Goooolllldddd"!

I'll bring some macaroni salad, a 4ft folding table, and a light w/tripod.

I will bring....

Some pies.

The wife said cause she can not come she will make some pies for us.:D

I'll bring spinach pinwheels. I dont like spinach, but i can eat these things all day long. Very good. THese would go under appetizer i believe if i can spell appetizer.

I am diabetic, so I will bring my own "special" diet.
I won't take from the potluck

Update: Jan 3rd, 2004

I can bring a bunch of oranges from my tree in my backyard. I have a lot, so I will bring those!

Originally posted by Blaine122300
I can bring a bunch of oranges from my tree in my backyard. I have a lot, so I will bring those!

Damn, I need to find an juice squeezer then.. Fresh orange juice for breakfast!

How about Guava's? I got 16 trees full of those things. They take about 3 months to ripen and might not be ready by Truckhaven.

Bring some anyway. My wife loves those. You will make her day if you bring some for her!!

Got everybody so far.

I'll bring a side dish of spanish rice.;)

I'll bring bread and butter.

I'll also bring this 3 Liter bottle of Stone "Double ******* Ale" to share. :chug: It's 10% abv, and was a great Christmas present from my wife. :cool: I'll bring some dixie cups, too. :)

Heineken bottle for scale only.


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Hmmm....I was hoping you'd bring windshield burritos for everyone Bill.:p

I've had the Arrogant ******* Ale. How is that Compared to the Double *******?

The Arrogant ******* is very good, but the Double is the BEST ale I have ever tasted. And....its brewed right here in San Diego County, on my beat as a matter of fact.

I think they sell it at Henry's.

My partner gave me a bottle of Jagermeister for Christmas, which I am bringing on the trip, ice cold of course. And to think, all I gave him was a framed picture of him sleeping in a patrol car with a glowing background of the Paradise Fire. If I have a few shots of that stuff, I won't be able to play hero and go save a lost and stuck drunkard in the middle of the night, causing me to get back to camp at 0500, like last year.

I love yager. The shot that i had a few times was yager and 151. Talk about a good shot. I can help with the yager.:D You still bringing that rum? Ive never tried it

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Bill if you could bring an extra couple "regular" bottles of double ******* I'd appreciate it :D

I saw that huge bottle of arrogant ******* at a store around us, but they don't carry double ******* :(
