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twin turbo mounty

I'm not seeing any intercooler stuff. Have you thought about it at all?

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I will need oil restriction. But no big. They make them all day. As for intercooler. I got a bunch of stuff but it's all ment to fit a fox body. So it's all scrapp. My brother works in a exhaust shop so we are going to make a setup from scratch. And run a universal front mount.

The available space around the engine, and even worse to route piping to and from the front/grille area, it's very little.

If you can create an adapter to mount an IC right above the intake, there is plenty of room to work with in the center. Then it just takes a heat exchanger up front, with the coolant lines easily run to that, and a small reservoir.

The intake adapter is the hardest part though, it'd need to be well made to hold a big enough W2A IC, and sealed well for the boost and coolant. But with turbos mounted away, that leaves tons of space in the center to work with.

Below are two examples that I saved pictures of other's projects.


  • TFS R mounting adapter1.jpg
    TFS R mounting adapter1.jpg
    115.4 KB · Views: 147
  • SBF intake with IC in it.JPG
    SBF intake with IC in it.JPG
    83.5 KB · Views: 170

getting a mock motor to throw on a stand and see how these things fit with the accessories. and got a bunch of headder wrap and a couple of turbo plankets coming. a little bit of progress at a time :)

Ok I am subscribing to this thread!
Very interesting!!

If those are ball bearing units be sure you run water to them. They will not live long if you don't.

Ball bearing turbos don't need water cooling. What they do need is an oil restrictor in the feed line.
