Tyre swap upgrade | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tyre swap upgrade


New Member
March 2, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 explorer
Hi guys
So im currently putting abit of life into my 4.0 V6 ex (uk) and i want to put some bigger tyres on for a more aggressive look . do u have any suggestions please

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Hi guys
So im currently putting abit of life into my 4.0 V6 ex (uk) and i want to put some bigger tyres on for a more aggressive look . do u have any suggestions please

What size wheels have you got?
Are you going to change the wheel size?

This link will help to determine tyre size. http://www.hyperaustralia.com/tyre_calc.htm

I have 265/70/16s on my 1997 Limited.
I've lifted the suspension a bit, couldn't say how much 'cause it was lowered when I got it.

The biggest tire you can put on the existing 15x8" rim without any lifts/shackles/ TT etc. is a 31x10.5R15. This will still allow full clearance in the wheel well, and turning radius clearance on the suspension components. Speedometer readings will be affected, but I don't know the exact specifics on that. Maybe someone else can chime in here.

tyres and spacers

Hello guys
Thanks for the response
Ive actually put 265 75 16 insa turbo dakar
Mmmm the nobbles catch the arch just on full lock

So heres the predicament. I wanted to put spacers on for the
Look more than anything
But seems to function with the bigger tyres ill need them
Easy ! Lol

What is the center bore hole size . seem differant info
I found spacers with B/H 70.5
Internet claims ex B/H is 70 .6
Measured them this morning and i make them 71.5

Very frustrated
