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uniden 520

Just had delivered a 520 from buy reliant.com.hooked it up inside the house to a power supply and wilson 2 foot adj. whip with magnet mount.wanted to see it work befor installing it in truck.it worked for 10 minutes and then it seems that the internal speaker quit.I cannot get this thing to utter a peep from speaker.It seems to be receiving because there are rf signals on the led meter.anyone ever had this happen?

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Try using an external speaker via the external speaker plug and see if the volume is present. Is your unit a rebuilt one? Many are. Could that have been the reason for the rebuild which might have failed?

hey performancenut,thanks for responding will try external speaker not really sure what size plug to use, might use speakers from my pc since I don't have a pa.unit was brand new in box,made in china.

get a bearcat or a cobra also the ext speaker plug is a norma 2.5 head phone plug just use them. oh ya midland makes good cheap cb's

Make sure the mic is connected; if the external speaker doesn't work it could be teh mic connection or the mic itself. Unidens need teh mic inplace to make the audio work.

Make sure your antenna connection is good.

Did anyone change the settings on the Knobs of the CB ?

did you check the swr? if that was too high you could have fried the cb

and does that antenna have a ground plane? a lot of the car ones depend on the vehicle for the ground plane? would definently not be good to run it without a ground plane.

heres some stuff to read up on if you want

get a bearcat or a cobra also the ext speaker plug is a norma 2.5 head phone plug just use them. oh ya midland makes good cheap cb's

get a bearcat or a cobra also the ext speaker plug is a norma 2.5 head phone plug just use them. oh ya midland makes good cheap cb's I have a 20 year old Uniden in my car that i found in a dumptruck and it still works great. I don't know why no one likes them. Btw, sorry to double post i accidentaly hit enter. And I don't know if you're experienced in cb's or not... so i'm going to go ahead and state the obviouse: is your antenna and cb matched up via a matchbox? My buddy didn't match his up and his cb did the same thing... and it turned out he fried the radio
