Upper Control Arms (for the seriously dropped) | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Upper Control Arms (for the seriously dropped)

So I take it you're gonna do the mini cnotch? You can get one from Jason at suicidedoors.com for about $40.

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I'm at 3.5 right now..I bought replacement cousion bump stops for all 4 corners. They work rather well.


Ghost, you're pics and your link do not work. however, mine do...:p

4" front, 3.25" rear with zero degrees camber



Man that looks awesome. And perfect camber, that is incredible. You need 3 inch leafs, 1 inch blocks and a mini-c to bring the back down a little more though!

Great job. :cool:

that does look real sweet. those home made splash guards and rear bumper paitning really set off your exterior, (that front bumper needs the same treatment but i kno ur planning on it already...) it looks super clean. I agree with hartman the back needs to come down a little but i know you are already planning on doing that your just taking care of the coilovers first, so awesome job man, it looks great!

If i have about 2.5" of space between my front tire and the fender, how low do you think that is?

hartman, nnnnnnnnnick,- i plan on bringing the rear down a full 4", but coilovers are first. for some reason, the truck doesnt look near as "raked" in real life as it does in pics. its weird, looking at the truck up close, or from a distance, it seems only slightly raked to the rear. in the pics, it looks terrible. nnnnick- the front will be painted soon enough (now that weather is better). i am also gonna paint the :rainbow: rear bumper.

psycotic- we have no idea. we do not know how tall your tire is. space between fender lip and tire will depend on tire height. what tires/wheels are you running? also, what was the measurement stock?

for those that dont know, here is 4" drop with zero degrees camber :p :p :p :p


  • camber.jpg
    73.7 KB · Views: 467

since i am in the giving mood... and im f@wkin drunk and have nothjng to do ......... here is Ghost99's truck.



stock measurement was between 6-7 inches. i'm running stock rims and the good year warnglers that come on em'. My front was higher than most other explorers stock, thats why i don't know how much i lowered it.

that front on shot really makes it look super low. man i wanna do this, it looks sweet. however i dont have the money/skill for the coilover install

Originally posted by nnnick
i dont have the money/skill for the coilover install
i dont either, lol. :D

psychotic- if the measurements you gave were right, then your front came down at least 4". i dont see that happening by just removing the torsion adjuster bolts.

I flipped the torsion adujustor..... Actually one side did come down 4 incheswith just the bolt removed, the other side only 3, so i had to flip both sides and just put bolts in til they were even.

I think the reason that my front was so high in the beginning is because the dealer mentioned that in the past camber had been adjusted on it in the past cause it was off from factory. I think they just raised the front up to get correct camber, it used to look like it had rear sag reallly bad.

So with that all being said, I really don't know how low i've gone up front. In the back its 2 inch blocks + rear sag from 2 12s and a heavy ass box

ahh.... i didnt know you did the adjuster flip. sounds to me like you got about 4".

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Any chance that you could get some pics of the control arms installed?
