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Vibrating engine/car

Ricardo Miramontes

Well-Known Member
October 14, 1999
Reaction score
I recently took my car in to the dealer to have the chain tensioners and air intake gasket replaced as per the recent warranty program, and it came out just great. Only one thing remains. The engine still vibrates while idling making my side view mirrors shake. While at the dealer they did a diagnistic because my check engine light had come on, they said it was because my injectors had too much carbon build up and it was getting a lean condition, whatever that means. Anyway, my point is that if the vibrating had something to do with certain codes they (ford dealer) would have picked up on it right? So I'm left wondering what the problem could be. One thing I notice after I picked it up a few months ago from a tune up visit at an idependent repair shop was that when they replaced the spark plug wires they apparently couldn't make one of the wires reach so they used a different brand, and different length than what should have been there, (longer). Could that be the problem? That the spark doesn't reach the cylinder as fast as it should due to the extra length of the wire? My Explorer is a 1998 XLT SOHC with 56,000 miles. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. I don't want to spend the $60 dollars they charge to hook it up to the computer.

Thank You,

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A fuel injector is like a nozzle that fuel goes through into the engine. If it's clogged, fuel can't get through: making the engine run lean (not enough fuel). Did they clean or flush the injectors? If they didn't, that's the problem. Also, what RPM is the truck idling at? It might just be as simple as resetting the computer. I don't think the spark plug wire would make a difference.

Good luck!

They did clean the injectors. As for the RPM I would venture to say it occurs at about 500-600 rpm. I've reset the computer a few times now and hadn't had any results, then again, that was before the injectors were cleaned so it may do me some good to go ahead and reset the computer now that everything else is fine. Thank you for your response Alec.


I had a similar problem on my 99 4.0 SOHC Mountaineer. It only happened at idle, and was much worse when in drive with brakes applied. It was a harmonic type vibration that went away when I just barely touched the throttle. Everything inside the truck vibrated, including mirrors. A Ford tech on another forum told me about TSB# 98-21-1. It calls for installing a Y-Brace (p/n F87Z-5K249-AA) between transmission bellhousing and exhaust system (you will also need exhaust u-bolt p/n F87Z-5A231-BA). I installed this brace in about 10 minutes and it completely cured my problem. I had been to 3 different Ford dealers who all told me to live with it - all the 4.0 SOHC's have this problem and it can't be fixed. I guess they don't read the TSB's.

That is exactly what happens Mountaineerman! Wow, so it solved your problem completely? If you don't mind telling me, how much did you pay for the parts since you installed it yourself, I'm assuming. It really is annoying. I guess that's why the dealer didn't pick up on any codes since it has nothing to do with engine monitoring.

Thank You

It was around $80 for both parts, but it's a free fix if you are still in your 3/36 warranty.

Vibrating engine

I just sent you a private message, please respond.

Thank You,
Ricardo F. Miramontes
