Virginia Run Grozet/GWNF or someplace else | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Virginia Run Grozet/GWNF or someplace else

Well if I leave by 5am I should make that. What exit off 64 do I take?

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It is the Gaskins Road North exit. It is on the northwest portion of Richmond.

Josh if you are going to come from Va Beach we can meet at 8 am if that helps. we have daylight til almost 7:30 pm.

This is the thread from my last trip

I suggest we begin on second mountian trail to start with.

I will leave at 5. That will give us some fudge time. So we meet in the Gaskins Rd Circut City parking lot @ 7. Maybe we can sit down and have breakfast before we head out if you guys are interested. So it will be the 4 of us then? Also who has CB's and who does'nt? It would be good if we can all talk to each other. I have 2 FRS radios and a CB. I also have an extra CB that will need power and an antenna, but that would take a couple of minutes. My Cell number is 757-544-0026.

Sounds like good times. See you guys at circuit city 7 A.M.

How much is the entry fee for the day?
'92 Explorer XLT 4x4, 3" body lift, 10.5"s of suspension, 35x12.50 Procomp Muds, Warn manual hubs, billet grill, primer black w/ a lot of scratchs, washed once a year.
'94 Ranger XLT supercab, 4.0, 4x4 3" body lift, 4"s of suspension, 33x12.50 BFG All Terrains, Warn manual hubs

7 at the Gaskins Rd/Broad St Circuit City sounds like a plan. Looks like I'll be heading out around 5 too. I have a cb. Is everyone planning on coming back home Sat. evening?

The last time I went, the campsite was a 45 minute drive back to the top of the mountain from where we were, so we just said screw it and headed home. I am up for either.

Is anybody dogophobic or anything? I might bring one of my dogs.

7 sounds good here.
Dogs don't scare me.
I have a CB and antenna, but can't get it tuned.
We plan on camping Saturday night.

What does everyone plan for lunch? We are currently thinking about just packing something quick.

There is no entry fee for GWNF but you can give me gas money! LOL

What do people have/need for recovery gear. My zuk isn't toally setup but I could grab a strap, cahin, and high lift if needed.

I have a 4 inch 30000lb(?) strap and one of those aluminum floor jacks. I will also have a spare ECU, alternator, and starter. going to U Wrench it to get another serpantine belt for a spare. And for those of you that have never slept in your truck before, I would suggest an air matress. If I do camp, I will just sleep in my truck. I plan on cold cuts or cold chicken for snacks.


My Ex still isn't completely setup, I don't have any tow hooks or lockers. I carry a 30' 20k recovery strap and I think a 1/2" or 5/8" shackle and a shovel. I'm undecided on camping. I was planning on it originally b/c I thought it was near a 6 hour drive. I mapquested it and found its only 30-45 min. past where I've been camping... soo I'll probably pack for the night and decide Sat. I dont' carry a tent anymore, just sleep in back of the X... and I highly recommend an air mattress too... that floor is unforgiving. As far as food, I plan on packing a cooler.

i cant garuntee that I can be there but i am going to try.

Definately plan on a picnic lunch on the trail. We should not need recovery and repair equipment, but I am bring all of mine.

There are several places around the circut city for breakfast (IHOP, Golden Coral, MickyDees).

I suggest that we plan to stop at McDormits store on Route 33, to Muster and get any additional supplies (gas or food). We can meet anybody else who is interested and not going up 64 with us. It should be around 10 am depending.

I have to install my CB. Lets use channel 5.

If you want to preview any of the trails you cab google them and get trip reports and photos.

Tenikiwaon - I have a CB and antenna, but can't get it tuned.

What do you mean you can't get it tuned? Are you not able to transmit? Mine does not transmit fully but will work in close. Maybe you have a short in your andtenna cable? Do you know how to check that? I also have an SWR meter(Cheap one) if you want to mess with it.

It WAS a new ant and new CB. Put the meter on it and when it's suppose to go down to 1 or something, it goes UP! I tried ground on/off, the adjuster at the top on/off up/down. Still nothing.

tenikiwon said:
It WAS a new ant and new CB. Put the meter on it and when it's suppose to go down to 1 or something, it goes UP! I tried ground on/off, the adjuster at the top on/off up/down. Still nothing.

Do you have a multimeter? I would measure the resistance between the center conductor and the and the shield. It should be open or very high resistance(Mega ohms).

On the radio or ant?

Anybody else?

Nissanboy if it looks like a yes then let us know so we can make definate plans to hook up.

tenikiwon said:
On the radio or ant?

Disconnect the antenna from the radio and measure the resistance of the cable going to the antenna.

Well I guess I will see you guys in the morning :confused:

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