Wanna burn this thing! VENT! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanna burn this thing! VENT!

February 26, 2012
Reaction score
Deltona Fl
City, State
Deltona Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Explorer EB 4.6
So after 7 hours under the truck trying to replace the gas tank due to the nub thing that the filler neck hose fits on to rusting off, Im totally fed up with this thing. So many busted knuckles and bleeding from multiple spots. Took 7 HOURS to get the filler neck out, which had rusted screws and had to be taken out still connected to the plastic thing, then everything cut off, the bolt for the tank strap, and to snap one bolt at the front, and totally round off the other. So yea, 7 hours for that little bit. Im so pissed right now. I have no welder and no torch, and no idea how Im going to get the other bolt off now. Tried the smaller socket pounded on thing, was going to cut it off but, no way to get my cutting wheel in there around the mounting bracket. I should have known this was going to be pita job for me when I saw all the posts about this not being to bad of a job to do. I forgot how rusty the bottom of this thing was... grr.. You may go back to your lives now lol, thx..

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in rust we trust... i'm so glad i no longer live in the rust-belt. 2 of my trucks have always lived in the south and they don't even have any surface rust underneath.

So after 7 hours under the truck trying to replace the gas tank due to the nub thing that the filler neck hose fits on to rusting off, Im totally fed up with this thing. So many busted knuckles and bleeding from multiple spots. Took 7 HOURS to get the filler neck out, which had rusted screws and had to be taken out still connected to the plastic thing, then everything cut off, the bolt for the tank strap, and to snap one bolt at the front, and totally round off the other. So yea, 7 hours for that little bit. Im so pissed right now. I have no welder and no torch, and no idea how Im going to get the other bolt off now. Tried the smaller socket pounded on thing, was going to cut it off but, no way to get my cutting wheel in there around the mounting bracket. I should have known this was going to be pita job for me when I saw all the posts about this not being to bad of a job to do. I forgot how rusty the bottom of this thing was... grr.. You may go back to your lives now lol, thx..

I've been in your spot too many times to count. It sucks! Take a breather, get a drink, whatever. Then go back, grit your teeth and finish the job. Sometimes a little adversity turns us into better people.

I always dread the rust in the quick connects too, seemed like I was spraying DeepCreep on every bolt clamp whatever WEEKS in advance! Man, we're pullin for you, hope it all works out.

I also live in the rust belt.....i like using WD-40 on my underside during the winter. Every time I have it on the lift or if its going to snow I use a bottle. This has saved me plenty of times when doing routine maintenance and major parts replacement.

Same here Jon! I failed inspection for leaking brake lines last year, because I always spray the banjo and line nuts, they thought it was leaking!

lol thx guys for letting me vent..

Anyone know where I can get those 2 front bolts? Or what I can use instead of them?

I feel your pain. Erie is my hometown. Also glad I moved south. Spent plenty of time fighting rust. My 97 Ex is a southern vehicle, still pristine after all this time. I would try Rockauto. They have lots of parts that the dealer no longer stocks. Best of luck to you!

Are those bolts a dealer only item or something? They have a particular "name"?

Maybe not. You could take the 2 halves or whatever remnants to a hardware store or a bolt specialty store and get a match. Shouldn't be too hard. Ace Hardware on West Lake Rd used to have a pretty wide selection of nuts, bolts, etc. Best of luck to you!

it seems to me that those bolts were a little special, but my memory of what they looked like isn't that clear. i cant remember if they had a shoulder or if they just had kind of a built in washer. i'm sure the size and length are not all that unique. as i recall there's a cast bracket that they screw into and there's a rubber isolator pad that the tank sets on. the center strap keys into a slot in frame and uses a j-nut/speed-nut to retain the bolt. those are available at the auto parts and hardware store.

Well it's either rusty cars or faded paint on cars...out here in the West, it's every other vehicle suffers sun damage on the clear coat...but sure glad I dont live on the rust belt.

There are sometimes where I feel like burning my Explorer too...just wait to cool off for a couple hours...days...weeks...you'll spark right back at it...haha

Southern mechanics don't know how good they've got it. Working on cars in the rust belt is always an exercise in expanding your skills and techniques for fastener removal. You pretty much need to have every tool in the arsenal available, which definitely includes a welder and torch. And you rarely take fasteners off that you would even consider putting back on. Many of them don't even resemble fasteners any more.

I also squirt the brake bleeders and assorted other important bits with penetrating oil every time I am under there.

Southern mechanics don't know how good they've got it. Working on cars in the rust belt is always an exercise in expanding your skills and techniques for fastener removal. You pretty much need to have every tool in the arsenal available, which definitely includes a welder and torch. And you rarely take fasteners off that you would even consider putting back on. Many of them don't even resemble fasteners any more.

I also squirt the brake bleeders and assorted other important bits with penetrating oil every time I am under there.

