Warn Winch Help please | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Warn Winch Help please


Well-Known Member
December 4, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Decatur, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XL 4x4
MY warn M8000 is not working. It wont power in or out. When I push the switch, it the top left solenoid makes a clicking sound. Other than that it does nothing. I ahve tried to replace the solenoids(all of then are new now) and its still not working. Any ideas?

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are your power cables attached to a fuse before they go to your battery? you could've blown a fuse

No theres not as fuse. Everything seems to be getting current, i am at a loss for what to check now.

I called their tech support. Talked to a very knowledgable guy for about an hour and he ahd me try several things. We established that the motor and the solenoids are good meaning it has to be an electrical problem, but i havent found it yet. Not sure if its in the control pack or inside the winch itself. I might have to send it to a repair dealer.

It might be that the motor is frozen. You can very carefully take the motor cover off, its held on by two long bolts. Its aluminum and so is the housing, so do not overtighten. Check if any wires are disconnected or if the motor looks burnt or corroded. The main reason I bought a Warn is their customer service. They will replace or repair pretty much anything.

The motor isgood. With direct current to the F2 terminal and ajumper wire between the A and F1 treminals it works. Only thing left I can figure is a wire in the control pack. It looks liek its going to take a littel time to go through that so I havent started to try yet.
