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Water around overhead console


July 16, 2019
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Norfolk Virginia,
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer XLT
2014 Ford Explorer XLT 2wd.

Has anyone experienced water around the overhead console after long periods of rainy weather? I have had it poor from the map lights.

1. I do not believe my windshield is leaking as there is never any signs of drips down the glass. I have placed a hose with a shower nozzle on a ladder and let it rip for 2-3 hours and found nothing and there was no wet headliner.

2. I have noticed that ford has no insulation on the roof for the first foot or so. It is just painted roof metal.

3. My Explorer does NOT have a sunroof / moonroof.

All this has led me to believe that condensation is forming on the uninsulated roof structure and dripping down around the overhead console area. Has anyone else experienced this?

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I do not recall a similar issue unless it was possibly caused by the moonroof. Do you have the moonroof?


If it isn't caused by the seal around the windshield, I wonder if it could be due to water getting in from one of the roof rail attachment points?
There were many issues with water getting in due to the rear roof rail fasteners.


If it isn't caused by the seal around the windshield, I wonder if it could be due to water getting in from one of the roof rail attachment points?
There were many issues with water getting in due to the rear roof rail fasteners.

I tried flooding each of those with water as well. Also, the water is ONLY by the center console I cannot see or feel dampness anywhere else. I have no water spots on the headliner anywhere. It is really weird. It also seems unlikely that a leak in the roof rack would make its way uphill to the center console headliner area.

I am going to try the water test 1 more time, but I am sure I will get the same result. I cannot seem to get the windshield to leak.

I tried flooding each of those with water as well. Also, the water is ONLY by the center console I cannot see or feel dampness anywhere else. I have no water spots on the headliner anywhere. It is really weird. It also seems unlikely that a leak in the roof rack would make its way uphill to the center console headliner area.

I am going to try the water test 1 more time, but I am sure I will get the same result. I cannot seem to get the windshield to leak.
Our 2017 Limited had the windshield replaced and experienced the same problem afterwards of water around the upper overhead console.

When we took the vehicle back for repairs, the repair shop added sealant/caulking to the upper surfaces of the windshield weather-stripping seam, and the problem went away. The repair shop implied that this is not an unusual problem and fix that they deal with.

Our 2017 Limited had the windshield replaced and experienced the same problem afterwards of water around the upper overhead console.

When we took the vehicle back for repairs, the repair shop added sealant/caulking to the upper surfaces of the windshield weather-stripping seam, and the problem went away. The repair shop implied that this is not an unusual problem and fix that they deal with.

I think I will see if the glass company will remove and reseal the windshield.

I think I will see if the glass company will remove and reseal the windshield.
That's probably a good start. Hopefully that will solve the issue. If, not, then you can rule that out.


2014 Ford Explorer XLT 2wd.

Has anyone experienced water around the overhead console after long periods of rainy weather? I have had it poor from the map lights.

1. I do not believe my windshield is leaking as there is never any signs of drips down the glass. I have placed a hose with a shower nozzle on a ladder and let it rip for 2-3 hours and found nothing and there was no wet headliner.

2. I have noticed that ford has no insulation on the roof for the first foot or so. It is just painted roof metal.

3. My Explorer does NOT have a sunroof / moonroof.

All this has led me to believe that condensation is forming on the uninsulated roof structure and dripping down around the overhead console area. Has anyone else experienced this?
My 98 explorer had a similar leak about a year after the windshield had been replaced. The paint had been scraped off and had rusted creating some pin hole leaks. Open the vent and turn fan on high. Then spray outside with windex or soapy water and look for bubbles.

I have a 2014 sport and I had a similar issue last spring, we had water in the map light and actually had a few inches of water on the floor. I noticed both of the front door seals were sagging down in the corners, I pulled all 4 of the door seals loose and made sure they were tight against the top and the corners. It hasn’t happened since

2014 Ford Explorer XLT 2wd.

Has anyone experienced water around the overhead console after long periods of rainy weather? I have had it poor from the map lights.

1. I do not believe my windshield is leaking as there is never any signs of drips down the glass. I have placed a hose with a shower nozzle on a ladder and let it rip for 2-3 hours and found nothing and there was no wet headliner.

2. I have noticed that ford has no insulation on the roof for the first foot or so. It is just painted roof metal.

3. My Explorer does NOT have a sunroof / moonroof.

All this has led me to believe that condensation is forming on the uninsulated roof structure and dripping down around the overhead console area. Has anyone else experienced this?
I have a similar issue with mine, however mine is equipped with a sunroof and it had a tree fall on it from a tornado during the first owners time with it. I'm am only the second owner and it's been taken care of very well as far as upkeep and general care. However the sunroof front section of seal seems to be leaking at times, three branch that fell on it crushed the hood, put a 1/2" deep football sized dent right in the center of the roof between the top part of the windshield and the sunroof. It's not creased or torn, but the windshield was destroyed and there was a branch that punctured the dashboard but didnt damage anything. The speedo cluster and guages got soaked and quit working so by the time I baught it the original owner had the windshield replaced new from safelite auto glass but left the nom working guage cluster and the crushed hood and punctured dash and dent on roof. I was skeptical about buying it but for $1100 back in 2013 for a 98 ford explorer with a 5.0 wasnt a bad deal. The explorer had mickey Thompson classic III style rims and 35's (315×75×16) on it and a true dual flowmaster exhaust, blue underbody glow, flame design guage plate, K&N air filter, recent brakes, wheel bearings, and after market 3" lift spindle arms, 3" body lift and a bunch of other things along with a 3.73 rear swap and a 4 guage Stinger Audio amp kit and a Kenwood receiver that was professional grade. The air conditioner and all other functions worked as it was new and still does till this day. So I baught a guage cluster for $20 at the scrap yard down the road and found a color matched hood from LKQ over in N. Carolina I beleive (im a truck driver and picked it up during a run and brought it back in my trailer) but for $30, the hood was scratch and dent free perfect condition I was amazed to have only spent $30 for a hood and $20 for the cluster and it honestly didnt need shjt else. The roof still has a slight dent I have yet to actually work on it other than trying with a plunger and got it about halfway out first try. I'd like to repair the dashboard and honestly nothing else needed to be changed. Dont mean to be so long of a comment, just proud of my little explorer and wanted to share. My roof leaks around the seal of either the top of the windshield (near that roof dent, which it COULD be leaking from) or it may be coming from the front of the sunroof seal. I would take my time and check the caulking sealant across the top of the windshield, it may be deteriorating and cracking and crumbling. I've seen it before on another explorer and my buddy went and baught a ratchet caulking gun (cant use a cheap one cuz you cant squeeze handle and get the thick and tacky sealant to come out) and buy some black or clear roof and flashing sealer. I used a clear tube of clear sealer with a red caulking tube tip on it baught from lowes for around $9.88 or so, my buddies explorer never leaked again. But if you do this make sure you buy a small pack of hook blades that you use in a box cutter, they work the best to.clear out all the old caulking and sealer from the tracking area at the top row of the windshield. Also when you prep it up use a cheap plastic bristle brush that will fit into the track area with maybe a 1/2" wide by 2" long bristle head. Use a shop vac or regular vac to clean tract area out and even clean lightly with a clutch dampened by a little acetone or "goof off". Then apply a layer of blue painter's tape along the edge of the windshield of the are you are sealing, and also do a little extra by growing about an inch down around each top corner as well when you prep and tape so water doesnt penetrate old sealer on corners and get under new seal. Tape across the top edge where the roof meets the track area so to keep the caulking and sealer from getting onto the body everywhere. Apply the caulk and make sure your bead ends up sticking out slightly taller than the windshield edge approx 1/8" taller then windshield to account for drying shrinkage amd settling and sinking. Once applied, take your finger and lay across the caulking and tract and gently wipe with 1 finger from the end you started to the end you stopped caulking. This is to lay down and smoother the top of the bead and to also slightly press caulking into the tract completely to prevent pitting, cracking, and missed areas where caulking didnt settle on it's own. Watch a you tube video on how to caulk properly with taping. Best ones are the shower and tub surround corners being caulked to show similar taping and caulking and wiping techniques. Now that you have that part done you want to get that tape off before it dries or else you will have to use a razor blade a couple hours later to remove the tape, if you do that you stand chance of attracting paint and caulking leaving a slight lip where tape edge is, also may cause caulking to pull out once dried or tacking up. Use a wet sponge not soaked but not too dry, not dripping neither, wipe in one direction from left to right or right to left whichever end you started with would be advised. Wipe it GENTLY approx 2 or 3 times or until caulking is smooth and has no visible pits or grooves or chunking. If you notice at this time there is a shallow area of caulking or if you wipe too hard and you remove some caulking that's ok! Just go ahead and repeat the step of applying caulking but do a full length bead thinner where it's not needed and heavier where it needs filled. Once done wipe again with finger then with sponge. After your satisfied with the overall look and confident the tract is full then pull tape gently at approx a 45 deg angle until its removed and do the same with opposite side as well. Check for any spots where caulking could have accidentally touched in the process of applying on the body and glass. If no issues then let sit and dry preferably in a garage or covered area to protect front the elements. If you dont have covered parking anywhere you can place a couple of thin boards standing up against windshield and across the top of the roof away from repair area and tarp the vehicle to prevent rain or snow from contacting the repair. After approx 12 hours it should be dry enough to do cautious weather permitted driving but if you have a full 24-48 hours to let it sit, the longer the better because it doesnt fully cure and dry safe enough to expose to the elements for approx 1 to 2 days. After that if you still have a leak anywhere check for potential leaks along the roof pan, sometime those seals and spot welds break over time and cause a gap or opening and can leak in... but this is rare do to the fact I've only heard of that happening when someone actually repairs or replaces a damaged roof. Good luck and enjoy the project!

2014 Ford Explorer XLT 2wd.

Has anyone experienced water around the overhead console after long periods of rainy weather? I have had it poor from the map lights.

1. I do not believe my windshield is leaking as there is never any signs of drips down the glass. I have placed a hose with a shower nozzle on a ladder and let it rip for 2-3 hours and found nothing and there was no wet headliner.

2. I have noticed that ford has no insulation on the roof for the first foot or so. It is just painted roof metal.

3. My Explorer does NOT have a sunroof / moonroof.

All this has led me to believe that condensation is forming on the uninsulated roof structure and dripping down around the overhead console area. Has anyone else experienced this?

That's a puzzle. I did have the exact same leak but mine was from the plugged up moonroof drains

I think I will see if the glass company will remove and reseal the windshield.
I believe that the windshield was repaired at the top seam of the windshield without removing the glass.

2014 Ford Explorer XLT 2wd.

Has anyone experienced water around the overhead console after long periods of rainy weather? I have had it poor from the map lights.

1. I do not believe my windshield is leaking as there is never any signs of drips down the glass. I have placed a hose with a shower nozzle on a ladder and let it rip for 2-3 hours and found nothing and there was no wet headliner.

2. I have noticed that ford has no insulation on the roof for the first foot or so. It is just painted roof metal.

3. My Explorer does NOT have a sunroof / moonroof.

All this has led me to believe that condensation is forming on the uninsulated roof structure and dripping down around the overhead console area. Has anyone else experienced this?

I think I will see if the glass company will remove and reseal the windshield.

Did this work?

I'm experiencing a similar thing now as well on my 2011. I have the moonroof, no signs of water on the inside of the windshield glass, but the console as dripping water at a pretty steady pace yesterday from the driver's side lamp area.

I think I will see if the glass company will remove and reseal the windshield.
If you are still following, did you ever get this resolved?


2014 Ford Explorer XLT 2wd.

Has anyone experienced water around the overhead console after long periods of rainy weather? I have had it poor from the map lights.

1. I do not believe my windshield is leaking as there is never any signs of drips down the glass. I have placed a hose with a shower nozzle on a ladder and let it rip for 2-3 hours and found nothing and there was no wet headliner.

2. I have noticed that ford has no insulation on the roof for the first foot or so. It is just painted roof metal.

3. My Explorer does NOT have a sunroof / moonroof.

All this has led me to believe that condensation is forming on the uninsulated roof structure and dripping down around the overhead console area. Has anyone else experienced this?
Had the same problem for a 2002 ford xlt last year. If you leave the car in the direction of the top of the mountain, then in heavy rain with the wind, water accumulates under the upper console and drips down. I didn’t dare to remove the casing .. and I just leave the car if it rains, in the direction from the mountain, and then the water does not accumulate under the console. Obviously, when it rains with the wind, the water enters through the holes in the roof for attaching the trunk.
But my car already has a solid age .. and this happened only this year

^^Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


2012 with Dual Panel Moonroof and Factory Roof Rails, 130k

I have a leak. About 70% of rain events cause the leak. The water drips from the driver and sometimes passenger center overhead lights. Recently, after a 10 hour rain event the water must have gotten behind the center console bc the hazard lights were flashing on their own and pushing the button couldn't turn them off. Even disconecting and reconnecting the battery didn't work. I assume the button was "stuck" or maybe shorting out because it got wet. A friend attached a reader and the hazards came up as a fault and then button worked soon after. I assume because it dried out. My A/C button also doesn't work now. I can only turn on the AC via the touch screen.
I cleaned out the two drain holes in the dual panel moonroof. The passenger side was clogged so i thought that would resolve the issue. Nope. After a light rain water was in the lights again. Turning sharp forcing the water out of them.

1. Are there other drain holes besides the two up front?
2. Where else could the leak come from?

Side note. I've had a leak in the back for years. Water drips down the third row seatbelt. Is that water entering from a different spot?

I wouldn't care so much but now that i see electronics can be damaged i am getting worried.

Thank you!

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2012 with Dual Panel Moonroof and Factory Roof Rails, 130k

I have a leak. About 70% of rain events cause the leak. The water drips from the driver and sometimes passenger center overhead lights. Recently, after a 10 hour rain event the water must have gotten behind the center console bc the hazard lights were flashing on their own and pushing the button couldn't turn them off. Even disconecting and reconnecting the battery didn't work. I assume the button was "stuck" or maybe shorting out because it got wet. A friend attached a reader and the hazards came up as a fault and then button worked soon after. I assume because it dried out. My A/C button also doesn't work now. I can only turn on the AC via the touch screen.
I cleaned out the two drain holes in the dual panel moonroof. The passenger side was clogged so i thought that would resolve the issue. Nope. After a light rain water was in the lights again. Turning sharp forcing the water out of them.

1. Are there other drain holes besides the two up front?
2. Where else could the leak come from?

Side note. I've had a leak in the back for years. Water drips down the third row seatbelt. Is that water entering from a different spot?

I wouldn't care so much but now that i see electronics can be damaged i am getting worried.

Thank you!
Alright, so I don't have experience with this but I have read about this multiple times. You have a drain hole that runs across one of the rails on your moonroof that must have gotten clogged. Look up Ford explorer moonroof leak.

This should help as well
