We fixed all our Van problems! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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We fixed all our Van problems!


Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wichita KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Merc
Yup we sure did!!!!

It was a bit of work but in the end it turned out a bit better. Swapped the engine out for a 4.6L and the body out for an Expedition. :D

Okay so we just traded it in. Got a pretty good deal too! :) We are happy.

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congrats ;) Now it's time to mod the Expy!!!

LIFT IT!!!!!!!! HAHA. what year/ model ya get? we have one and it is great for trips!

Its a 2000 XLT Loaded, no leather but thats about it. :)

No mods for a while, however a Cat-back may be soon. :) One modified truck is enough. :)

ours is a Eddy! My p's went all out on this one. we got all but the heated seats. leather, 6Cd's, V8, that whole shabam.

awesome, can't wait to start playing with it and tinkering :).

Congrats....now you can register at Expedition forum too:D:p


One question: Isn't this vehicle ... hers :p

:D LOL True, so true :D Well, maybe Ryan gets to post about it while Maranda is driving it :p

That's right! :p Actually I really want Ryan to get something but he wants to wait a little longer. His front end is shot. We drove an '00 F250 Powersmoke 4 door short bed at the dealer last night--oh man! The numbers were good, but we want a better cushion now that things are on the upswing again...

We took the first one (2000) back over $2000 and a funky oil pressure problem, dealer wouldn't budge. NOW we have an '01 with 22K, silver, not loaded, with a bench seat in the front so it seats 9. We like the bench in the front without that center console for uh... things anyway. :D

We fixed Ry's Exploder problem also--front end is toast. Got a '95 F150. Nothing like buying a house and 2 cars in 1 week, sheesh. Please sir, can I have some more financial pressure? :rolleyes: I don't like dealers that much, but we did work with some decent guys this time. I still always feel a little had when I walk out of there! But we're happy with what we ended up with.

Solid axle swap coming someday, so we can get the Sport back out there. :)

LOL well it really wasn't by choice. It was A) swap out the entire front end and make the explorer run. B) buy a new truck that costs around the same amount and just have something that I can keep driving every day. :)

Life is fun eh?

Lets just say I was driving home in the Explorer and I had some deathwobble, then I blew out the front bearings and a hub! LOL So basically my front axle was toast.
