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WeatherTech Digital Floor Liners

Awesome! I bought a set for our 2013 and they've been great. Best ~$300 in interior protection ever.

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I still think the Husky liners provide more protection. The front liners come up and cover the carpet right up to the door sill. Unless WeatherTech changed their design, they don't cover that area.


post some 2015 pics!

[MENTION=256856]burtman[/MENTION], post up some pictures if you get the chance. Did they extend the coverage on the drivers door to cover the carpet right by the sill? Is the carpet under the gas pedal covered well? The ford ones suck and leave a lot of carpet bare under the gas pedal. I just seen this thread and want to order some as winter is coming fast but would like to see some pictures.

WeatherTech are the superior mats for complete coverage . Especially if you have kids with muddy soccer boots or a propensity for liquid spills. After stepping in with mud or snow the mats hold everything and keep the carpet prestine. A must have IMO.

+100 I have installed these in every vehicle I have ever owned, I have a full set on order for my 2015 Sport.

According to the website pictures, it appears the Weathertech liners still do not offer the total coverage that the Husky liners do. That carpeted area from the door sill to the foot well is still exposed. Depending upon what part of the country one lives, this may or may not be something to consider.


According to the website pictures, it appears the Weathertech liners still do not offer the total coverage that the Husky liners do. That carpeted area from the door sill to the foot well is still exposed. Depending upon what part of the country one lives, this may or may not be something to consider.


We get it, you prefer the Husky (as you've mentioned multiple times). IMHO they are uglier than the WT, the diamond plate pattern isn't my cup of tea. I don't believe there's any single "right" answer to the question "which mats should I get."

There was some question as whether WT would have the 'lip' or not and the new Husky liners were not posted yet on their website so the post was just to confirm that there is still a difference. Either liner, in my opinion, is superior to the OEM all weather mats. You can't go wrong with either liner. It just comes down to preference.


We get it, you prefer the Husky (as you've mentioned multiple times). IMHO they are uglier than the WT, the diamond plate pattern isn't my cup of tea. I don't believe there's any single "right" answer to the question "which mats should I get."

The "diamond plate" area is trivial. Once installed, they blend in quite nicely.

While the Husky liners may not be as "heavy" as the WeatherTech's, their coverage is still better.

I bought the full WT set for my 2015. I only wish they had the little carpet prongs on the bottom to prevent them from sliding. The driver side holders work, but they still allow for an inch of play.

My GF graciously bought me the WT for my birthday a few weeks ago and I sent them back. The exposed carpet was not acceptable given that is not what the pics on their box and website show. I was looking for coverage - they do not provide. A terrible water of $160.00 CDN for two front mats only. Epic fail IMHO for any vehicle that will be used in the winter.


After weeks of debating with myself on what protection I'm going to get for my Explorer, I went with Husky. It seems both products can be great. Husky was cheaper for me and I like the fact the area where I place my left foot will be completely protected. I live in California so not much snow down here, but I do a lot of outdoor activities and I want to protect the carpet as much as I can from everything. So I'm sure both products would have worked.

2014 Sport with Weathertech fitment

Does anyone with Weathertech matts and a sport have the driver side mat that has a gap between the mat and the carpet right along the part that is closest to the seat? I would attach an image but I'm not allowed for some reason.

Does anyone with Weathertech matts and a sport have the driver side mat that has a gap between the mat and the carpet right along the part that is closest to the seat? I would attach an image but I'm not allowed for some reason.
If you are trying to attach an picture using the Manage Attachments program, you can only do that if you take out an Elite membership ($20) which also helps to support the site. Otherwise check out the sticky section in the New Members Introduction thread;


If you are trying to attach an picture using the Manage Attachments program, you can only do that if you take out an Elite membership ($20) which also helps to support the site. Otherwise check out the sticky section in the New Members Introduction thread;


Yeah I know how I can do it here. But I'm not going to upload it to a site then link it. I'm lazy.

Weathertech color

What color looks best with a black Sport? Black Weathertech liners of grey? Thanks!

Only black in a black Ex.
I tried it with normal grey mats before I got mine.

Any other color will stick out and you will not like it or get used to it.

It doesnt look too mismatched in pics or in your head, but it is once in the car, & will annoy you mightily.

Its just becasue the rest of the floor and doors etc are black, the mats stick out like like crazy.

I went with gray for the very reason that everything was black and I wanted some contrast to break it up.


Only black in a black Ex.
I tried it with normal grey mats before I got mine.

Any other color will stick out and you will not like it or get used to it.

It doesnt look too mismatched in pics or in your head, but it is once in the car, & will annoy you mightily.

Its just becasue the rest of the floor and doors etc are black, the mats stick out like like crazy.

I guess assuming you are not looking to create contrast -grey floor mats will create some easily seen lite areas that will break up the all-over dark areas. Seat covers also...

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What color looks best with a black Sport? Black Weathertech liners of grey? Thanks!
It is a matter of personal choice.
I wanted some contrast in mine and went with the gray liners. I've attached pictures to give you an idea of what they look like with a black interior. Granted it isn't an Explorer but the interior colours should be the same. These are the Husky but I'm guessing the WeatherTech colours are probably the same.



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