Weird sound after mudding/wash | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Weird sound after mudding/wash


Well-Known Member
June 14, 2012
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2005 Sport Trac XLT
Alright so last week I took my truck through some mud, and drove around that day for about 6 more hours without any problems. I woke up the next day and went straight to the self-wash and spent about 45 minutes making sure I got everything underneath and around the suspension parts clean. All that day it rode no different at all, and then the next day its like a different truck. Start-up is normal, but as soon as I start driving, there is a nasty rattle in the dash and a rubbing/wooshing sound that picks up as I get faster. For guys that have mud terrains, it sounds like that, but I don't have MT's. I checked all around because it really sounds like a rubbing issue, but nothing is rubbing. I'm just curious if the pressure wash could have done something since it was fine till after I washed it. I know you gotta pay to play and I kinda regret it now, but any help would be great. It's an 05 2wd with about 40,000 miles

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does it whosh driving then go constant while braking? i find mine doen that all the time after a wash the small pebbles and stuff pack into the brake pads and rotors. but go away after a day or two. if the puddles deep enough that water travles the belt and hits the tensioner it can make some noise. those are my two issues i have commonly after mudding

hmmm the sound doesn't really change when braking, it just decreases in sound at the same rate as when I'm speeding up. It pretty much just stays parked outside my dorm during the week so I guess I'll get to check it out more when I go home and have tools. Thanks for the reply though

Did you regrease anything? It's quite possible the pressure wash or the mud dried some grease up.

there is a nasty rattle in the dash and a rubbing/wooshing sound that picks up as I get faster. For guys that have mud terrains, it sounds like that, but I don't have MT's. I checked all around because it really sounds like a rubbing issue, but nothing is rubbing.
My guess is that at least one of your wheel bearings was submerged in water and was therefore compromised. FWIW, do't go through water and/or wet mud that is high enough to touch the disc rotors or you'll risk destroying a wheel bearing.

My guess is that at least one of your wheel bearings was submerged in water and was therefore compromised. FWIW, do't go through water and/or wet mud that is high enough to touch the disc rotors or you'll risk destroying a wheel bearing.

I'm thinking that's probably what it is. I should have probably stayed out of the deep stuff

Just a little update on this, basically I've learned my lesson to never offroad anywhere near the coast, even though I was pretty far from the ocean. Got a chance to go home for thanksgiving break and found out that apparently my truck looked "as if it has been sitting by the ocean for 6 years" according to the mechanic. Not a good sign when it has 40K miles. So basically what I got is some shiny new rotors, bearings, all the good stuff around the front...Oh and a pissed off dad. Get to do the same to the rear in a couple weeks. Cant wait

Lesson learned, Muddin' is fun but extremely costly for our trucks' IFS, brakes and under carriage. I rarely go through mud if I can help it unless it's on a trail and trees block a path around it. I used to have atleast an inch of mud covering my entire truck and leave it on to show it off to the city folk since I live in a big city but after replacing parts time and time again way too fast I stopped doing that. LOL

Ah man thats too bad. On the plus side you know your IFS parts are all fresh! I try to completely powerwash everything the day I get back from the trails or maybe later that week just so I don't have to go through that.

Yeah, mud is fun for awhile, but sucks for a long time after. I also avoid mud unless there's no way around it.

Water holes, on the other hand, I like those! I've been at least up to my hubs in water- maybe a touch more.

Water holes, on the other hand, I like those! I've been at least up to my hubs in water- maybe a touch more.

You're supposed to swim in those not drive in em! lol I've always thought it would be cool to get a video crashing through one but never want to take the chance of flooding the engine. I cross a stream thats about a foot and a half deep to a nice camping spot but I go slow :eek:

Yeah, my last wheeling trip a guy in our group hit the "lake" at probably 25 mph with the engine spun WAY up (manual transmission) in his Wrangler. Made it 1/3 the way across before he stalled out. We pulled him out and even after he shot water out of 4 or 5 of the 6 cylinders (plugs pulled) it was dead. Connecting rod through the side of the block and the oil pan and snapped the camshaft. We strap pulled him off the trail (3ish miles).

I looked cool, but the lasting suck was way worse.

Yeah I definitely wont go looking for mud holes anymore haha. I'll probably kick back in the passenger seat and let my friends with their damn lifted f250's do the work from now on
