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Well this Sucks!


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr

On the way home from my dad's after finishing most of my new rear bumper.

Lost all oil presure
Check engine light
Check gauge light
truck dosn't want to start or if it will it dies right after, my guess th computer is fail safeing it.

Check Engine code throuhs code P0340: Cam Postion Sensor Mal###tion!:rolleyes:

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Sounds about right -- if its the camshaft position sensor (CPS -- not CKP) and you have the SOHC, changing it takes 30 seconds -- its right on top of the driver's side valve cover.

But was'nt the CPS just replaced last October prior to the Newbie Run?:scratch:


yes CPS was replaced a few months ago:mad: Maybe just the top part went bad, which isn't to bad (fingers crossed)

Tow tuck driver was all in to cars, and thought of how cool he was going to look going down the freeway, with a movie prop on board:p:

When I replaced the CPS a few months ago, I only replased it because it was making noise. But I replaced the whole thing! Even though there was nothing wrong with the sensor, I replaced it as part of it. So I think the cheap POS sensor died and is causing all of crazyness here. What I will do is put the factory Ford sensor back on, sense I know it is good, and see if this gets rid of the problem. The sensor does make sense though, because it not be reading the oil pump spining which is conected to the CPS. or the oil pump died, and the sensor is not reading stuff or something:confused:

sux bout the explorer

The loss of il pressure is alarming, but could have been coincidental (i.e. which came first: Loss of ignition, or loss of oil pressure?

Loss of oil pressure alone will not cause the engine to stop firing. Loss of oil pressure due to the drive failing could be a major issue. Loss of oil pressure because the ECU lost the CMP sensor signal and the engine died is not a biggie. :)

Check the wiring... Maybe it chafed through on something and the sensor is still good?


the cam sensor synch drive unit does drive the oil pump.
if the the pin in the synch drive unit had sheared, this is exactly what would happen.
Now-to add to the confusion--
doesn't the sohc engine have 2 cam position sensors? Or is it the OHV ?

The OHV only has one in place of where the distributor would go (Cam position Sensor). as well as a Crank Position Sensor.

I only see one cam position sensor in the schematics, and one connector in the diagrams for the SOHC. I can't imagine the OHV would have more than one cam position sensor; it only has one camshaft, right?

To know if it's a drive issue, simply crank the engine with a direct-reading oil pressure gauge attached in place of the sending unit. That'll tell you if you're generating oil pressure or not.

My money's still on the wiring...


I was driving in the fast lane at 65mph when I noticed the Check gauge light came on. I looked at all the gauges, and the oil was at the bottom. I put on my indicator and started merging to the next exit. got off the freeway, drove about 2 blocks and shut it down.

Engine sounded normal (no loss of oil sound)

Checked oil, and had pletty of oil.

Thought it could be a wire or bad gauge. Wire looked fine.

Tried restarting, sounded fine. Desided it was a bad gauge at that point and started to turn the truck around in the street.

Check engine light comes on.

Engine dies in the middle of the street.

Restart, and dies after moving a few more feet.

Restart again, give it gas to get momentum to get out of street

call tow truck:thumbdwn:


Get off tow truck, drive it in to the yard, and dies 5 feet from where I planned to put it for the night.

Truck turns, starts, runs for about 2sec, and dies.

Check OBD2 codes

This was what happen in order, I can't really get in the garage, right now because it has to be running good enough to get in there. It's alot of back and forth movement to get it in:rolleyes: And I ain't pushing it that much!:nono:

Pull the sensor off the drive unit and see if the stator is even turning. Heck-the sensor "gap" might just be dirty

Will the old sensor fit on the new drive unit?

Pull the sensor off the drive unit and see if the stator is even turning. Heck-the sensor "gap" might just be dirty

Will the old sensor fit on the new drive unit?

old sensor should bolt right on. That is my first thing to try.;)

old sensor should bolt right on. That is my first thing to try.;)

Hope you didn't buy a cheap Chinese Dorman synchro unit :(. They have a terrible failure rate and they end up reimbursing labor for the part.

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The old one I have is the ford factory one. I think the one I put in before is a dorman though:(
