What did you do to your 5th Gen? | Page 97 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What did you do to your 5th Gen?

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I am right there with you, on the myriad of vehicle pages on Facebook I'm on, it's a super popular mod. I used to post against it and got flamed for it actually. Apparently cool is more important than safety.
I know exactly what you guys mean, usually when guys go the cheap route and do the VHT spray tint it's so dark you cant see the lights. I spent a year flip flopping over doing it and I finally did it. There is a brand out there that tints the lights but still let's 90 percent of the light show thru. I cant think of the name. Its expensive but it is as advertised. It's a tinting film like for windiw but specifically made for taillights. I believe it's like 100 bucks for a sheet. Alot of mustang and challenger guys get it because they make one with a honeycomb print in them that looks cool on smaller lights. I will try to remember the name and post pics of the lights daytime and nighttime.


I am right there with you, on the myriad of vehicle pages on Facebook I'm on, it's a super popular mod. I used to post against it and got flamed for it actually. Apparently cool is more important than safety.
Here is how dark they are tinted in the daylight. Sorry for the ****ty pics. The product is called Luxe Lightwrap. This guy does a good video on them.


Thanks you! The continental DWS were good but the tires wore out so fast. I was only able to get 25K on them. I got a small rebate and I put the balance into a set of Pirelli Scorpion Verde tires. So far they handle excellent especially in the rain but the true test will be in the snow this winter.

I’ve already got about 12K on these tires and they look like they are holding up very well. I read somewhere that our explorers are hard on tires and that the Pirelli’s are the ones that could take a beating everyday. We’ll see.
I'm really interested in hearing how they do in the snow. The stock tires seem to lose alot of grip in the wet after about 25k.

I'm really interested in hearing how they do in the snow. The stock tires seem to lose alot of grip in the wet after about 25k.

My extreme contact tires finally came in after about a 3 month backorder delay. They are 1.5” wider than the stock tires and are a night and day difference. It finally rain here in south Texas the other day and I took the sport out just to try the tires in the rain, and wow. It was taking corners at 65-70mph like it was dry pavement. As for snow... well we don’t know what that is down here. But I would love to take a road trip and test them out in it lol

did you find a pre cut kit or did you have to have it done?
I had it done just because it's a lifetime warranty thru an authorized dealer. I think they sell sheets tho.

Haven't posted here yet. I have done a few things recently to my 16 2.3L XLT

First purchased October 19th 2019:

K&N and JLT Catch Can:



Found some yucky while I was installing the catch can. fun...:


Those were cylinders 2 and 3, the dirtiest.

NGauge + a 5star tune. What a difference!:

Currently set the gauges to Boost, AFR, RPM, iat2 (post intercooler)

LED reverse lights because the stock ones suck:

Got some winter tires and wheels off craigslist for cheap. sensors and the programmer too. $500! Also tinted the windows. 35% front, 5% rear doors/side glass, 20% rear glass:

Weathertech mats all around except for behind 3rd row seats.

That's it so far.

By center stack I assume you either mean the sides of the screen/AC controls, or the sides of the "shifter area"?

If that's what you mean it's very easy.

- The sides of the screen/AC controls pop out with a simple pull. I take them off way too often, so my technique is to start at the top, pull outwards (I use my nails, but you can use a piece of thin plastic or trim removing tool if you wish). When it pops out a bit, scoot down to where it's still attached and do the same again, and keep going until the entire thing pops off. They're held by ~3 clips. Here's the post where I replaced mine with nicer ones.

- If you want to take off the lower side panels of the center console (assuming that's what you meant), you just pull them out as well. Start at the top, then you can go from one end to the other. One of the connectors in the middle (the one that sticks out a bit more than the others and can move vertically a bit (mine is green)) might need a push downward as you push a new panel on, as the slot it goes in to is lower than what the tension of the connector is at.

- If you want to take off the whole center console (assuming that's what you meant), let me know, I've done that 100 times too, but there's a few more steps. I posted about it here.

Well, I finally had a chance to change the trim pieces on the center stack with the ones from a Platinum. I wanted to thank Rainlord for the guidance. It made the swap out much easier. Here are a few Photos:


Left Side Installed:

Both Sides Installed:

Pretty happy with the new look.




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