What would this be worth were u live | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What would this be worth were u live


Well-Known Member
June 15, 2015
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City, State
Livingston County Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Ford Explorer Sport
133K miles manual 1994 ex. Clean inside factory sun roof 2.5 inch suspension 3 inch body. All rust was cut out and new sheet metal welded in. Body has NO more rust. Runs and drives great 4x4 is great 4.10 ls gears. New warn manual hubs


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I'd say 2K or so here in NW Georgia

Around $2000 in Arkansas. Unfortunately it looks like yours isn't going to appeal to folks that want a commuter or pavement pounder, and the main buyers for an off road rig like that don't have a lot to spend.

Heck, $2000 seems to be the price limit here for a first gen period. I had to really struggle to get $2300 for my 94 XLT I sold recently; it had perfect paint/body/interior and was lifted 2" with nice wheels and tires (and A/C). Had a 94 Sport a couple years ago that didn't have working A/C, but had nice tires/body/interior. 5-speed 2WD. Had some interest at $1800-2000 but ended up having to trade it.

I would also say 2000-2500.
Reading between the lines, I would say it's not worth selling unless you reeeally need money. You have more into it than you can sell it for.

In the NE you could get more

Probably 2500-3000.
Problem is most folks wont get it.
Keep it if you can,

Im not going to sell it and i bought it for 300$ and have a grand total includi g the purchase price and trailer rental from uhual of 1218$. I was just curious where i live i could build these once a month for under 1500. Just wondering if it would be worth it.

And thank you all for the input.

The problem where I live is all the 1st gens that are cheap are beat POS's. Heck 2nd & 3rd gen are also beat POS's as well. SO hard to find a decent shape X where I live & not pay out the behind for it.

I have a 92 sport that i paid 400$ for from a rich family moving and didnt want it. Said come look at it and make offer i offered 400 and they said yes instantly. Then i have a 93 4 door paid 500 for and put 35k miles on it befor i did anything to it. Then this one. And i found a 94 today for 550 going to offer the guy 400 tom. I am going to sell the 93 and the one im getting tom. And then next time in in the dessert area im finding my 91. 91s are reallu hard to find in michigan.

Red one is the above truck the day i bought it and the other is the one im looking into tom.


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I was just curious where i live i could build these once a month for under 1500. Just wondering if it would be worth it.

Where I live you couldn't find enough of them to build one once per month.

They used to be all over, but I guess time and cash-for-clunkers got rid of most of them.

Ain't that a bish! That stupid program wiped out most decent used cars from 95-01.
Not just the X.
I search on Ebay all the time. In a search I get early 90's, then a huge gap in cars till 02.

Ya but the only ex i would own is a 91 to 94. The first gens were built right and i love them.

Ya but the only ex i would own is a 91 to 94. The first gens were built right and i love them.

For sure. 1st gens are truck-like and squared-off. Not rounded and feminine like the 2nd gens.
