Whats a good aftermarket alternator? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whats a good aftermarket alternator?


I'll have another...
March 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
Hey everyone,
I have my 92 EB, and I have a great new battery, and a high power car audio battery in the back, but still i have a lot of dimming, and i want to put in a better alternator, mines basically brand new, but just a stock one.

where could i get one thats gonna put out more power, and does anyone know of any write-ups on how to install them?

I have a 3200w peak amp, 2 15's, but the amp isnt powering them fully, so im gonna be getting probably a 5000w amp soon

Any info would help, thanks :D

(btw) how are they rated? like how do i know what one i should get? is it voltage, amps, or what?

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Alternator's are usually rated in amperage.

If you see an alternator listed as being 130amp alternator, means that at peak output it's putting out the 130amp, the 130 isn't continuously. Peak output is usually achieved about 2000 rpms, or maybe a little below that.

As for a good aftermarket alternator, I'm not sure, but I'll recommend this seller from ebay where I bought mine from. The ebay username is "dbelectrical". When I ordered my alternator, I was upgrading from the stock xlt alternator which was 95amp, up to a 130amp, which is in the Eddie Bauer editions.

I've seen plenty of big current alternators for a really fair price on there. Also, when I got mine, it was a genuine Motorcraft part, installation was also perfect. It was a bolt out/bolt in situation. The plugs for my old alternator fit perfectly into the new one.

Good luck

I have an Eddie Bauer, so does that mean i have the 130 already?

Whats the biggest one they make? (For a decent price)

If you have an Eddie Bauer, you SHOULD have a 130amp alternator, but don't think so 100% until you check it yourself.

I have no idea the largest they make, I've seen 200's for sale, but you'll have to check on the price.

In '92 I don't have a clue what the OEM alternator was. Others may have that info. I think 130 came into the 2nd gen.

As far as aftermarket goes, I've pretty much seen places who essentially just rebuild an OEM one. Consider finding someone local who will do the same to yours to a higher spec.


According to this thread, the 1991 had a 95 amp alternator. Good chance yours is the same. (SEARCH is your friend).

I have a mr. alternator 200 amp version and it is more than enough to power all my lights, electrical crap, and my small system. So far it has held up good. mralternator.com

I have a mr. alternator 200 amp version and it is more than enough to power all my lights, electrical crap, and my small system. So far it has held up good. mralternator.com

I bought mine third hand (via 2 different EF members). It's done a great job. I've had it for about 3.5 years now on two different Explorers with two different engines (SOHC V6 and the V8). It's been rock solid.

Okay sweet thanks alot guys, I just have some higher power headlights, and fog lights right now along with my system, but I plan on upgrading to HID fogs and headlights lol

ill probably go with the 200, unless they have higher

