Whats the point of AutoZone? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whats the point of AutoZone?

I swear this place has let me down every single time I have ever gone in for anything related to a car. Does matter the make or model they dont have the part. So i figured today I would break my steak

I wanted to get a clay bar, because I have notice like pin dot things of rest. And also just to see how it works and if it would do anything for my white paint. Go in there expecting to find something, or atleast a kit with it... Nope.

So being disappointed I wanted to ask if they stocked it just in case they sold out. Because I would think that this product isnt sold that often to keeping a short supply may be common.

Go up to speak to the 1 and only person in the place that I can see and asked him. He said hes never heard of a clay bar, or anything to do with clay and detailing. He said that supposedly someone played a jokle on me when i insisted that I wasnt joking with him. Then when trying to get him to belive he told me to go to a craft store because thats the only place I would find it.

Now im not the guru of car detailing but even i know about this stuff. lol Well needless to say, again I wonder what the point of an AutoZone is ;)

BTW i was laughing so hard when i left, that I could barely breath. But after much of checking around with the local auto places here, no type of clay bar is anywhere near me :( You would think with 7 auto shops in the area 1 would carry it. Oh well, all except AutoZone knew what i was talking about, they just didnt carry it :p

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There is much to be said about mail order.

i happen to like autozone. theres gotta be at least 4 in a 10 mile radius of my house, and one of em usually has what i need.

I don't remember the last time I purchased anything in autozone. They either don't know what I am talking about, don't carry it, or its out of stock. Some of the parts dad bought in the past are of questionable origin as well. Brake rotors made in mexico? How good can the steel be? They are half the price of the O'reilly ones, but not worth it for any vehicle I would ever drive.

On the other hand, I have never personally seen a clay bar, but I know what they are. LOL

Hell whatever happened to Pep Boys or Checkers Auto parts store??!! My dad and I used to go to those two in Phoenix, AZ 10+ years ago. They used to carry everything you wanted for a vehicle.

I found that lots of these stores have what you want. Its just the morons that they put behind the counter that really should be in a Dunkin Donuts that screw it up for us. I have had so many puzzled looks I just laugh, when asking for something. I even asked one person why do you work here if you don't know **** about cars. I was so fed up with the bad attitude and the lack of knowledge. Generally I make them turn the screen towards me so I can see what they are looking at or typing in. On person even said " I am a girl. I don't know" Thats when I said "You work in a automotive store!"

The autozone near me is quite helpful. There was only one occasion where they didn't have the part I needed. Most of the workers are knowledgable and helpful.

If the numbnuts at your autozone doesn't know what a clay bar is, I suggest finding a new parts store.

I always go to Oreillys since it came into town. Funny thing is they know what they are talking about, and they have items in stock, or if not they will have it from the warehouse next bis day :thumbsup:

But they dont carry that, nor do the intend to because its just not something that sells. Although he gave me a location of a specialty show where he bought his. But he said it would cost more there *sigh*

I take it people in the Dallas area do not have a use for these. Im still trying to find a place to order it from. Also a swirl remover for white paint. All i can find localy is dark paint... if that makes a difference?

Anyone got a site that would have both these and is cheap? I was hoping to go local to save on 10 buck shipping on 7 bucks of products ;)

My autozone has Clay bar kits in the audio detailing section...just looks like you went to a dud-autozone as the 3 by my house (all within like 3miles of each other) have what i need or can order it that day and have it too the store or my house within the next day at no s/h cost to me if i have it shipped to the store...altho i have had one problem with spark plugs (they have the OHV spark plugs listed for my S/T) it was an easy fix they also have alot of usefull tools for rent if i end up needing one which is helpful.

I know paying the extra for shipping is a pain but it is sometimes worth it to get what you want. I had a hard time finding a clay bar in my area too so I ordered one from (dead links)

Just type clay bar into their search bar and you should get a good selection of them. I'm partial to the meguiar's brand but thats just me. Good luck with your search.

I hate autozone :thumbdwn: , they have cheapo parts.
I go to kragens. :thumbsup:

I used to think auto zone was OK. That was until I actually started buying a lot of parts from them. I don not believe that I will continue to buy their parts anymore.

i like their lifetime brake pads, they suck and they only last a little less than a year, but i dont have to but pads ever again.. just replace em. i think i got lower ball joints from them too. and my tune up. oh... and a rear passenger side rotor. no complaints here.

I have the autozone lifetime brake pads (which is good cuz tomorrow im replacing them) but i dont shop there. Carquest is my place of choice. They have all the wierd hard to find stuff (liek seafoam) and if they dont have something, i can flip thorugh a catalog and they will order it. WHich reminds me, my SEM interior dye spray is gonna be there today... Weeeeeeee

it all depends on which one you go to, there are 2 near my house, the 1 is very helpful, and know what there talking about, and other doesnt have a clue!

trucku said:
I found that lots of these stores have what you want. Its just the morons that they put behind the counter that really should be in a Dunkin Donuts that screw it up for us. I have had so many puzzled looks I just laugh, when asking for something. I even asked one person why do you work here if you don't know **** about cars. I was so fed up with the bad attitude and the lack of knowledge. Generally I make them turn the screen towards me so I can see what they are looking at or typing in. On person even said " I am a girl. I don't know" Thats when I said "You work in a automotive store!"

:yeah that!

They ask me do you need any help? When I walk in the door I ask and the usually aren't any help. I even had a manager telling me he did not stock an item.

I went to the shelf picked it up and asked him what I was holding? He's like uhh that's not what I call it...

Most teenage kids would rather tell you they don't carry something instead of having to look it up on the computer or move from there present state of daydreaming. Don't even bring up chics at hardware or automotive store?

Claybar, Oil and oil change and air filters Check Walmart. I use my own oil and filter and it's $9.99 there at Walmart. Of course I spend $24 on Mobile 1 extended wear and don't change the oil for 10K.

Polishing supplies and tools: Sears Hardware.

Anything for a chevy 350 O'reilly that's all they ask, "for a 350 right?"

Sparkplugs & wires, Brake pads, water pumps, ect with lifetime warranty AutoZone!

Tires SAM's or Discount Tire.


The autozone by my house is good. Most of the guys who work night and weekends also work at real auto repair or body shops during the day, so they are knowledgable. I have always like Advance Auto, they seem a lot nicer and they all know there stuff.

I too avoid Auto Zone like the plague. I once bought the lifetime break pads, alternator, and water pump. After 3 sets of pads, 2 water pumps, and 2 alternators I stoped going. I was working on my truck do to the lower quality parts from Auto Zone than I was driving it. I get all my parts at a local Bumper to Bumper store, they are great. They can get anything I need, even Motorcraft genuine parts.

So it looks to me that for the most part we all have a general idea that Auto Zone hires a bunch of meat heads, not EVERYONE that works at Auto Zone is a meat head just seems like alot to me.

My .02

I have found that when I have a choice between a publicly held company and a private one, the private company almost always has the better service -- especially when we're talking about well-informed people who want to help customers.

There's something about many of the companies that MUST turn in better quarterly performance year-over-year, that leads them to shortchange training, hiring, wages, etc. It's the easy way to grow profits, short-term. But it almost always guarantees a short-lived company.

The public companies usually have the price advantage, no doubt about it. And it's a powerful lure that often overwhelms their customer-service disadvantage.

I know there are exceptions. It's just my experience. Going by that experience, I always choose (when I have a choice) smaller, privately owned businesses such as auto parts stores and restaurants.

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i used to work for autozone. i have to admit the competing autozone on the other side of town was pretty ****ty. my ex fellow autozoners and I were all ASE certified parts specialist, but sometimes autozone hires a bunch of numbbutts who dont kno the difference between a short and long block. i mean, some of the parts suck and yeh I wouldnt buy their valucraft ****, but i think its all about who works at your local parts store. the kragen here hires anybody.
