When will the changes for the 2012 be available? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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When will the changes for the 2012 be available?


Well-Known Member
March 27, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Grand Blanc, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited 302A
I read that the 2012 Explorers will be built in July. If this is true, when will the changes start to be talked about.

I know that the changes between model years are often covered on the Internet by auto blogs and those in the know.

I would lose some money in incentives but if the 2012 had a heated steering wheel, I would cancel my order for the 2011 now!

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From what craig on fb said, no changes with exception to the addition of the 2.0 ecoboost and the gold color is changing to a gold with a green tint (flakes).

Thanks! I did hear that from a poster on fb as well. Kinda glade as now I will have no regrets if I can get my hands on a 2011.

I bet FWD is pretty popular in the warmer climates.

Yep. All you can get down here are FWD models. That's why I had to order an AWD. The dealers just weren't ordering them.

I'm betting that the V6 will be adopting DFI and a ~12:1 compression ratio, maybe even reduced in displacement to keep the HP under 300, and therefore muchly improved (15-20%..?) FE. The Ecoboost I4 will be dropped entirely due to public disinterest in a FWD 2012 Ford Explorer.

you're getting old.. and I don't mean your age..

Good to hear no real changes from 2011 to 2012.. I am holding out for year end to get 0% with any luck.

Good to hear no real changes from 2011 to 2012.. I am holding out for year end to get 0% with any luck.

I seiously doubt they will offer any special financing.. with the model year ending in a couple months and Ford not being able to keep them on the lot, no reason to offer financing.. heck, they are only offering a $500 rebate.

Check your local credit unions.. join one if need be. I got 2.95% for 66 months.

I seiously doubt they will offer any special financing.. with the model year ending in a couple months and Ford not being able to keep them on the lot, no reason to offer financing.. heck, they are only offering a $500 rebate.

Check your local credit unions.. join one if need be. I got 2.95% for 66 months.

Keep them on the lot or get them to the lot?

^ that was funny ^ :)

...and don't beat your head against the wall replying to jaswood, thaywood, or the other Wood brothers' posts. The ignore member function works well.

I seiously doubt they will offer any special financing.. with the model year ending in a couple months and Ford not being able to keep them on the lot, no reason to offer financing.. heck, they are only offering a $500 rebate.

Check your local credit unions.. join one if need be. I got 2.95% for 66 months.

Well having lived in MI for over 45 years, and now in NV, maybe something changed but I dont see lines at the dealers to buy cars! The last two I bought, the GT500 and the Raptor, indeed had a line and people paid over MSRP, but lots here in NV have Explorers on them. I agree if you order you will more than likely have to wait, but dealers are ordering petty well equiped units for the floor, and I am almost certain not ALL will sell by the start of the new MY. I may be wrong, if so, will be the first to say, but this is an Explorer, not a specialty vehicle... I think I will take my chances as I dont NEED to buy, just want to!
