Why do folks bypass the factory sub/amp on basic installs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Why do folks bypass the factory sub/amp on basic installs?


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July 16, 2001
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I see that folks with 1st gen explorers with the stock amp and sub located in the rear, people bypass them when running an aftermarket deck and upgraded speakers.


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An amped signal added to an amped signal usually ends up being feedeback, or distortion.

but my last deck they didn't bypass the amp...theres no way. Don't you have to rip out the rear paneling etc? (because I know they never did that)

I thought it was because the the speakers didn't get the full benefit of the deck or something - and sounded better without the small sub.

This is exactly the arguement I got into with the head installer of the Best Buy here.

davesexplorer said:
This is exactly the arguement I got into with the head installer of the Best Buy here.

Please elaborate because I need help :)



Mainly because the aftermarket head unit isn’t set up to run this speaker. It’s a 6 1/2 bass speaker if I'm correct (I've never had that package on my explorer)

You can make it work fine, do you really want to? No, it sucks. Not worth the effort, put your car on a diet and cut that sucker out.

Most people end up running their own wiring for speakers... why? Because the stock set up is usually ran through the wiring harness causing more resistance and more problems.

It’s really a matter of preference. Most people do it for exactly what everyone else said in this thread, interference

So does an aftermarket deck, with aftermarket speakers, sound better than an aftermarket deck running stock speakers and the pumpin the stock sub?

I agree with Robb actually. It all depends on your tastes however, if you dont mind a bit of distortion and very uneven frequency response then the stock system with aftermarket HU would be fine for ya. If you want clearer distinct sound, with a smoother maybe even extended frequency response, louder volume headroom and depending on extent you can get soft or bright highs and very loud and boomy to tight and crisp punchy lows.

I got a bit of a question, lets say i have a parts explorer, and happen to get the amplifier out of that, is it possible to use both amplifiers? Perhaps a configuration like having the front speakers on one, and the rear on the other?

hmm i'm sure you could make it work, but i don't think it would be worth it.

I dont know if they are bridgeable, I'd assume so but I dont know. you can probably find some decent amps on ebay for cheap.

the stock amplifer has a harmonic distortion of 10% where as my alpine head unit is only .01% total harmonic distortion.

If you ever plan to run aftermarket speakers and an amp for them I suggest you run new wires to the doors now possibly a 14g? and the stock amp kills the sound from an after market HU so just ditch it. Yes its a lot of work but its worth it if you like clean crisp highs and bumping lows. and you can remove like 8lbs of wieght between the wireing and amp/amp mount. as for the 14g I recomend this because an after market amp and speakers will push to much power for the 22g thats there now.

I can beleive that about the 8lbs of wiring, i have the stock unit with about half of the total wiring on it, it seems to connect to a pile of cables which go to each door eventually. If i had to run speaker wire, i wouldnt mix them in with the rest of that wiring..

yeah while running new wires you remove the old ones at the same time. since you will have everything apart at that time.

or you could leave them so that when you sell the car you dont have to let your $2k of aftermarket system go with it.

thats when you just hook the wires to the hu and speakers and rip everything out and sell "as is" lol

Lets try this again:
Which sounds better?

1. Aftermarket deck with stock speakers running stock amp/sub


2. Aftermarket deck, aftermarket speakers, stock amp/sub bypassed. (for example lets say aftermarket equipment is Pioneer)



Bypass the amp. You'll get crisper sound and less distortion at higher volumes.

No need to run new wires. If you add an aftermarket amp you'll run wires from the amp to wherever anyways.

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