Will you flash your lights to indicate a speed trap to oncoming traffic? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will you flash your lights to indicate a speed trap to oncoming traffic?

Will you flash your lights to indicate a speed trap to oncoming traffic?

  • Yes, it's the courteous thing to do.

    Votes: 49 41.2%
  • Yes! Someone saved my butt by doing so!

    Votes: 55 46.2%
  • No. Let them suffer.

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • Huh? Is that what that means!

    Votes: 3 2.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No, never! You put an officer's life and safety on the line by letting everyone know he/she's there?? That's just wrong. Let someone who's speeding get busted, but don't give away the officer's position. Lord.

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This thread came back from the grave.

Anyway, I've never heard of this. I've been driving only since '04, so I guess I'm new to the roads compared to a lot of you on here, but I have never been flashed on the road unless I had my PIAAs on. Never knew this was even a "speed trap" sign. I use flashing 3 ways - to let people know they can pass/merge in front of me, to let people know their brights are on or they're blinding me, and to tell slow people in the fast lane to the the fk outta the way. :D


Holy crap indeed.

There aren't too many speed traps in WNY, so we don't use that system up here. We tend to use the flashers to tell someone to go ahead and change lanes (normally responded to with a wave), or to signal to someone that they have high-beams burning at night.

Absolutely, it's definitely one of those 'unwritten rules' of driving if you ask me and it's definitely saved my arse a couple of times.

So that's what all those trucks used to do when I was hauling @ss driving down to Florida. Actually first time I ever drove to Florida it kept happening and I kept thinking my High Beams were on. Now I know since then...lol

Regardless of the speed trap, here is something to consider.

So let me ask you all this, first how many of you have ever heard of ROAD RAGE???? Any of you good. Now how many of you carry guns in your trucks??? ANY??? HMMM, I wonder how many people that you don't know carry guns???

Always. As for getting in trouble, I'll happily go to court and ask them to prove my intent. I'll swear that I didn't even see the officer and that someone in the oncoming traffic either had their brights on or parking lights only. So much reasonable doubt, it's not even funny.

With all due respect to Donner, I don't think that revealing an officer's position in a speed trap is endangering his life at all. If anything, I'm actually helping since more officers are killed in traffic stops than anywhere else. This isn't a SWAT raid.

Also, I'll be more favorable of traffic stops when officers start pulling over people for driving under the speed limit and IMPEADING EMERGENCY VEHICLES. They'll stop someone for driving at speeds that the highway and vehicles were designed for because they're driving some arbitrary speed, but they don't give two s***s about the a-hole who puts my whole crew in danger because we have to swerve around his ignorant a**.

Now if someone is being a road raging a-hole, I'll call #77 myself and report them.

I've had my butt saved once. :)

I intend to pass along the favor.


In Arizona the law says that if there is slow traffic in the left lane you should honk or flash your lights...

When flashing to warn of a speed trap you are warning the drivers in the opposite lanes. If you flash your lights right after seeing a cop, the guy directly in front of you should know what's up, since he passed the cop as well.

Also, I'll be more favorable of traffic stops when officers start pulling over people for driving under the speed limit and IMPEADING EMERGENCY VEHICLES.

Absolutely!!:chug: I hate selective enforcement of traffic laws!!

Another thought on this, especially since we in MD are now part of the "Smooth Operator" program. The commercials are just comical. Anyway, we always hear that they are doing speed enforcement to curb unsafe speeds. So if safety is their concern, they should be happy that ordinary citizens help with the cause.

Of course the reality is that they could care less about our safety as long as they don't have to investigate a wreck. I'll have more respect for speed traps and the officers involved when they admit that the primary if not sole reason is revenue generation and nothing else.

No. Nut up and pay your ticket. Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

WHY OH WHY can't you guys just drive the speed limit and not worry about getting a ticket in the first place?

CA, we gots issues...

Always. As for getting in trouble, I'll happily go to court and ask them to prove my intent. I'll swear that I didn't even see the officer and that someone in the oncoming traffic either had their brights on or parking lights only. So much reasonable doubt, it's not even funny.

With all due respect to Donner, I don't think that revealing an officer's position in a speed trap is endangering his life at all. If anything, I'm actually helping since more officers are killed in traffic stops than anywhere else. This isn't a SWAT raid.

Also, I'll be more favorable of traffic stops when officers start pulling over people for driving under the speed limit and IMPEADING EMERGENCY VEHICLES. They'll stop someone for driving at speeds that the highway and vehicles were designed for because they're driving some arbitrary speed, but they don't give two s***s about the a-hole who puts my whole crew in danger because we have to swerve around his ignorant a**.

Now if someone is being a road raging a-hole, I'll call #77 myself and report them.

Officers can be killed for gang initiation... CA has issues.

haha, I ran across this today and read a few responses. I do the favor. I only travel 4 mph over (ya, ya, speeding is speeding). Only one here in ND has ever shown me the favor (trucker, and there was a cow on the interstate), but when I've traveled to other states, people know what's up. I saw brake lights all the time when I went thru MT, ID, OR, and WA.

Officers can be killed for gang initiation... CA has issues.

I see where you're coming from with that. But if I can see the officer to warn someone, so can the gang bangers.

As much as I can't stand how many departments do traffic enforcement, it makes me sick that officers can't always get the best body armor or semi/fully automatic weapons to level the playing field.

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I'll have more respect for speed traps and the officers involved when they admit that the primary if not sole reason is revenue generation and nothing else.

The Arizona Governor pretty much said just that when she ok'ed the 160 photo radar cameras which are to be dispersed throughout the state. Our state is facing a massive deficit and this was part of the "cure".:rolleyes:
