Working on the interior. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Working on the interior.


Well-Known Member
December 3, 2012
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1996 Ford Aerostar XLT
Today I made some progress on the interior of the van. I removed the middle seat by way of the rear hatch (the slider doesn't work), then I removed some trim and then the carpet.

The carpet was extremely nasty. I worked for hours cleaning it and it looks a lot better. It's still drying so no pics of it clean yet but here are a couple of the work-in-progress.

Before getting started:

Carpet out of the van:

Carpet removed:

I also relocated the driver's side rear-most seatbelt to the middle position as that one has been non-functional since I bought the van. Now, with the bench back in, I can at least carry 4 including myself, along with a ton of cargo since I don't have, nor intend on getting, a rear-most bench.

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Well, I got the carpet and seat back in the van. Here is a pic after I got the carpet in but before I installed the seat and trim. As you can see, a few minor stains remain and they'll be covered mostly by my tool box. My goal isn't to make the van showroom-new, just better than it was.


Thanks man, I worked hard on it. I honestly have $0 to fund this project so I had to use what was on hand: Some laundry soap, some SHOUT stain remover and my own elbow grease. It certainly smells a lot better, let me tell you. I don't think I'll allow people to smoke in the van anymore (I quit, save for a cigar once in a while).

I do occasionally carry passengers. That's why I took the time to replace the middle seatbelt so I could carry four instead of three people. I want to get buckets to replace the bench but, hey, I also want money and power, too, lol.
