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would 16's fit?

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Originally posted by GaSouthern1
Not at all, i have 32s and it rides like it did witht he factory tires on it, it will not affect your ride quality at all..

hrmm, thats strange that you say that, because from other peoples experiences (and the theoretically) the ride quality should improve with greater sidewall, just as my ride quality dropped slightly with less sidewall.

alphabets, whether you get a 15" or 16" wheel on a 31" tire, i dont think your ride quality will suffer much due to the fact that either way, youll have more sidewall than a stock setup either way. if you can find a set of cheap 16's (theyre often in the "for sale" forum for a decent price), then pick em up and then get some 31's or something. honestly, the "mechanical" aspects of picking a 15" or 16" rim will mostly be negligible...to sum up: get what looks cool (generally speaking, a larger rim looks cooler) and what the budget will allow for :)

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well, thats my situation. someone is selling the 16' rims with good wrangler tires on them as i stated in the 1st post and they are selling them for a good price. rims and tires would probably be cheaper than if i just picked up 31's for my 15' rims. so would 15's with 31's look better than 16's with stock on them or not. and would both of them fit? if i did get the 16's i was not planning on putting 31's on them(i think they would rub anyway) just 31's on my 15's if i stayed with them. r u tired from reading all this? lol

You were doing just fine. I was thinking about putting some 16's on my 97. One of the techs at my dealer put 16's with some factory chrome wheels on his 99 Sport. It's no show truck, but the larger tires does make the Sport look a little fuller.

I guess it's all about the look your going after and what you have in your pocket. I think either option you presented would look fine.

i'll probably go with 31's on my 15'' rims. thanks for all the help everyone. :thumbsup:

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