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www.autodash.com (Dash Kits)


Moderator Emeritus Elite Explorer ECX Member
Moderator Emeritus
April 27, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Oceanside, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 4Runner SR5

Has anyone bought anything from these guys yet???
i want to by a Kit and im ready to hit the buy now button but i just wanted to see if anyone either has dealt with them or has some pictures of any dash kit in a 91-94. Im curious as to how the kits look. I'm worried about the edges of the kit sticking up (not smoothed or doesnt blend well at the edges) and making it look stupid.
heres what i want to get http://www.autodash.com/details.lasso?sn=6433&pn=5603
And heres the kit layout:


  • kit-layout640.jpg
    38.6 KB · Views: 1,150

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And heres the finish
Real brushed Alumn.


  • ddrealbrushedalumlg.jpg
    21.6 KB · Views: 1,069

Thats not a bad price either:D

If you do buy,you will have to post some pics:D What color is your interior now Chuckie:D

My interior is Grey...

I will post.... as soon as some else posts a shot of theirs :D

That will look sweet

That will look great in your ex,now you got me wanting one:D

How difficult would it be to make your own? I had a friend do it to his car with some wood and 3M tape. You could just use sone cardboard or tagboard for the inital template and cut out whatever material you wanted. Just theory though and have no idea how complicated this is. Anyone?

I wouldn't want to try that... To me the aggravation I would go through is not worth the $230..lol aside from he fact that I wouldn't have any fingers left uncut from trying to cut aluminum.

well what about wood? Heck I'm poor I can do the cuts and scrapes but if it will just look like poo anyways than I wouldn't. I'm not saying for you though. That would be a nice kit! I am just wondering for me as a project. :D

Has anyone else done this I am really thinking about it now.
Figure flat parts are fairly easy, rounded may be trouble but if anyone knows about it could you let me know.
PS don't want to take over the thread just curious. ;)

Yeah wood would probally work:D


Keep us updated Chuckie:D

hey chucky, i just noticed you were in oceanside, do u know where the eastbay diner is? or the outback steakhouse? i was just out there yesterday.

LOL yeah like less then a mile from my house. East bay Diner is next to the shopping center where 24 Hour Bagel deli and My. Philly Cheesesteak are. My cousin owns those stores. Outback is in Island Park, about a mile from the diner. Why were ya out here??? Wha time??? I was rolling around there last night killing some time.

I was out there aound 4-6PM with my girl. I was out there because I actually used to work in Valley Stream, and a co-worker of mine when I was there lived in Oceanside, and she recommended a couple of good seafood places out there. I didnt find them, do you know of them? Plus I was doing some shopping at Green Acres, and my brother lives in Elmont, so I'm out there frequently. Maybe we could hook up sometime.

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Sure, are you a memebr of ECX???
Anyhow, yeah Peter's Clam bar is very good. You actually passed right by it. Do you remember going over a small bridge right after the huge mountain??? If so, right on your left side after the little bridge (going towards outback) is the Clam bar. There are also a few places down towards the Island Park and Long Beach border (right be before the long beach bridge) Jordan's Lobster is one of them. Got to make a left at the light right before you go over the bridge, looks kinda like a small service your turning into. Theres a few more good places down there too, some good places to hang out also during the summer time.
