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X Got hit need some help



Well my baby got hit today by some chick a little while ago :( I now need a new front drivers side door. I need a couple ?'s answered

1. I have a 95 xlt and was wondering what doors from other years would fit mine.

2. If I find a door with the same options I have how hard are they to swap out.

3. The little keypad, If I get a door with a key pad will the codes be the same and how hard is it to get the wires to this.

If this is going to be a royal pita im just going to go to the dealership and have them do it all since she is paying. Im just trying to save her a couple $$$ and I know as bad as it sounds get a couple $$$ for my self my my labor and other things I have to do.

As always the help is very appreciated.

Thank you,

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1) I think any 4door door will fit, Gen I or II, but Gen II is better due to the fitting of the interior panels.

2) If the doors are identical it should be very easy to swap out, unplug the wiring harnesses and take the door off, then the reverse. The hardest part will be getting the new door aligned properly.

3) The codes are stored in the GEM, not the keypad. And the keypad is one of the most PITA things to work on, inside the door. Though if both doors have it you just have to plug and play.

If she's paying I say have someone else do the work, but a reputable collision shop, not the dealer. In my experience, dealers aren't as good as a good body shop for this kind of work.

Depends on how bad it is, but I would look into having the door you have skinned. That way you will keep all the information that is on your door.

If I remember you have your vin# and color code and all that on your door. If she is paying have a body shop do it for you.


A door swap is not too difficult. Even with that taking it to a repair shop is a better bet. Trust us we are professionals.
If you do go it your self , contact me I can give you a few tips and pointers.
