I broke it good this time | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I broke it good this time

Well, there I was minding my own business, gruvin with the newly fixed AC vibe.

It felt so good, I decided to treat the Turdle to an oil change, and get some lightbulbs for the house. A good shakedown run I thought.

So, off to wally world. I got some general tsao's chicken from the deli, some synthetic oil, a brand new Motorcraft filter, found some 67 watt bulbs, man, everything was going well. Even the check out clerk had wit this time.

I had just washed The mounty and was thinking how good it looked as I walked toward it.

I noticed a new Van had parked next to me, so, I carefully backed out.I continued backing , making a reverse u turn so I could go the other direction out.
I checked to the right, nobody coming, gave it some gas and BAMM!!!

Yup, I drove right in to a stop sign pole.:( My pillar gauges had created just enough of a blind spot I didn't even see it there. To be honest, I was in an area of the parking lot I never use, so I didn't know it was there. I sat there wondering WTF, and tried to get out. Aw fudge, the door did not open good. Once I was able to get out, I saw liquid on the ground, and a folded over stop sign.

And yeah, I hit it hard. I do think my junk is totaled. I was probably doing 5-10mph, not so fast, but the concrete pillar was just high enough to inflict serious pain.

It folded in the bumper, the header panel, fender, hood , and crushed the battery. The grill and corner light is broken .

The hood will not open, and battery fluid is in a puddle. I checked to see if it would be drivable, and saw a bent tie rod, with yellow Paint on the lower control arm also.

We do have insurance, so hopefully with a little luck there will be enough going on to fix it resourcefully.

Pics as soon as I can. I didn't have the camera with me.

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Wow. But yeah- it looks cosmetic, nonetheless makes you sick though... :(

Wow Jon, very sorry to see this happened. We can rebuild the Turdle, we have the technology. lol It will be come back stronger than it ever was.

darn, wish i could come down and join the thrash, just too far,

That stop sign is inside a "Pipe Ballard". I have painted a gazillion of those things. They do not give easy at all. I seen a semi truck bend them a tad, but that's it. Poor Mounty didn't stand a chance.

I think the hood your selling can be used, a fender from the local JY, some fab welding from the neighbor, straighten the bumper with a tree & a chain, and your good to go to Ouray. You have all winter to make it pretty again.

That stop sign is inside a "Pipe Ballard". I have painted a gazillion of those things. They do not give easy at all. I seen a semi truck bend them a tad, but that's it. Poor Mounty didn't stand a chance.

I think the hood your selling can be used, a fender from the local JY, some fab welding from the neighbor, straighten the bumper with a tree & a chain, and your good to go to Ouray. You have all winter to make it pretty again.

I've broken one of those before, just left a dent in the bumper. 1st gens are tanks:D

I'm not saying that--
However I am trying to justify a small amount of my stupidity.

It is all my fault I know.

Thanks for all the support. I am not giving up yet, although this is going to test me greatly. I may be asking for some help. Mind another night at the B&B?
We got your back you just say the word. I'll even pitch a tent in the back yard. :D Really, I will be back in the manhappening, like the 21st or there abouts, and would love to make a roadtrip if you still need extra hands.

Wow, that's miserable Jon. I hope you can get it all back together without too much trouble...;(

Sorry to see that Jon...those poles do have a nasty way of jumping in front of vehicles...

It'll buff out :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Do I really love this truck, or is it the fact it has fought me so hard all the way, I just don't want to give up?

This might be the straw. I'm tired of fixing crap.

My neighbor could have a recording to save his breath,

"whatcha doin to it now"?

Things around me need attention, and this truck takes all of it away.

I'm tired--:(

Tired I understand. Giving up I don't.

John Force would prolly chew you out right now.

Give it a couple of days Jon, you will be Jones-ing to get it going again.

My rig is more than a source of transport, it is a way of life, and all that comes with it. I wish I had gotten over my wants for fast cars a long time ago, because this community of fellowship for another is just a perfect example of the goodness we can share with another. Team, Comradeship, and Friendship, are a few that come to mind.

By doing the things you have done to the Turdle, you have inspired many people, are looked up to, and have gotten the admiration of a ton of people. You are a great example to us all, and this would not be known to most of us if you didn't have this rig to monkey around with. So, buck up little camper, the sun is shining down the road for you.

Jon get your head out of the gutter. I know this sucks, seen Eric go through it a couple of times sadly. you need to sit back and take a breath for a minute or a day. I'm sure it can be fixed. You never know you might be able to make the truck even better because of this.

...Sometimes, a previous opponent that has been against you in every battle, becomes your best friend...Maybe it's just time to start enjoying it for what it is...;)

Believe me I know how you feel Jon, I can't even tell you how many times I've wanted to call you and tell you to just have mine scrapped because I can't stand to look at it anymore. Just hold off a couple days before you do anything, give yourself some time to cope. You love that mountaineer like it's your brother, yeah you fight sometimes but in the end your their for each other.

Do I really love this truck, or is it the fact it has fought me so hard all the way, I just don't want to give up?

This might be the straw. I'm tired of fixing crap.

My neighbor could have a recording to save his breath,

"whatcha doin to it now"?

Things around me need attention, and this truck takes all of it away.

I'm tired--:(

I look at it this way - the truck didn't cause this one. If you were driving a lot of other vehicles the same thing might have happened. Give it another chance. :(

that sux jon about ur mounty hope u get fixed and it get up and running again

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Jon we have spent weeks sorting out the damage done to the 91, and figuring out what mods she does and doesn't have. We feel your pain!
But you know "Turdle" better than anyone. You know when she's right on, or when she is a little off. Put her back together, tell her your sorry, and get your ass to Ouray! Paint her pretty during the winter. Hmmm could always paint her like Jurassic Parks step child! lol
