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Police Raid Car Enthusiast Gathering, Generate Revenue

...:shifty_ey ..It's the soccer moms in my neighborhood that are truly the terrors...They can be found at any parking lot, day or night...They take up 2 parking spaces, park in red zones and are constantly on the phone and texting and they speed and cut you off, given the chance..

...I say squash their cars...:hammer:

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...:shifty_ey ..It's the soccer moms in my neighborhood that are truly the terrors...They can be found at any parking lot, day or night...They take up 2 parking spaces, park in red zones and are constantly on the phone and texting and they speed and cut you off, given the chance..

...I say squash their cars...:hammer:

Yeah but you live in the OC, dude! That's the norm for there! ;)

Just a couple of nights ago, I got chewed out for stopping 3 feet from a crosswalk by one of the pedestrians (a HUGE --not tall-- female), for what reason, I have no clue. I mean, did she want me to stop 10 yards away? Or maybe she wanted me to hit her so she could sue me! I stopped at the same point the car next to me stopped and yet, she never said a word to that person! Go figure! :dunno:

Out here the gatherings take place once per week at a few different venues. Friday night at one spot, Saturday at another, etc... Shopping centers enjoy the crowds of people as the vehicle owners buy food from the restaurants. In fact at one of the "cruise" sites you can have food delivered right to your car.

If shoppers can't deal with a crowded parking lot once a week, they need to learn to lighten up. I really don't care for all the traffic that Church's create on Sundays. They cause massive traffic jams on main roads, but hey that's life and I deal with it without complaining to the cops, or government.

Okay, Char! I know! Everyone in your neck of the woods that belongs to clubs like that are considerate and kind and caring and make it easy on everyone. Yep! Wish it could be like that everywhere! :rolleyes:

I don't agree with the organized churches either. Most of them are hypocrites and, as soon as they are out of that church, they make a beeline for home or for some restaurant nearby to have lunch. It annoys me to no end. We have a truly terrific one in Riverside known as Harvest that is FAMOUS for creating all kinds of havoc when church lets out. I've actually seen cops sit there waiting for the church to let out so they can catch a few making illegal turns or whatever. It's really rather funny. Yeah.... Christian my eye!

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

If there was no voilence going on and they were planning no violence, anybody should be able to assemble for any reason, even if it's in a parking lot to set up a race. This right was so important, the founding fathers though it should be first. Law enforcement as no right to infringe on this. Period. End of Discussion.

Im a strong proponent of "there's a time and place for everything". I don't like organized street racing, those who do it should face the consequences but just because I'm having a little fun with my buddy at a stoplight with little/no traffic doesn't mean my rig should be impounded/crushed.
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

If there was no voilence going on and they were planning no violence, anybody should be able to assemble for any reason, even if it's in a parking lot to set up a race. This right was so important, the founding fathers though it should be first. Law enforcement as no right to infringe on this. Period. End of Discussion.

What would you categorize as violence? How about keying people's cars? Is that violence? No? Bodily injury I suppose would be the deciding factor. I'm sorry but, IF someone does damage to my property, I consider that violence! We've had some major problems with that from some of these people and that, added to them being the most INCONSIDERATE individuals when it comes to parking (not to mention their behavior in a public place), is enough, IMHO, to warrant complaints! Period! End of discussion! :p:

Hey, you've been paraphrasing Ben Franklin.

Hey, you've been paraphrasing Ben Franklin.

That's actually an exact quote. Here's another one:

Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.

And another:

He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.

...I personally like this guys sayings myself..;)

"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed."

"All these primary impulses, not easily described in words, are the springs of man's actions."

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

..and last but not least for all "Enthusiast"...:D

"Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them."

What would you categorize as violence? How about keying people's cars? Is that violence? No? Bodily injury I suppose would be the deciding factor. I'm sorry but, IF someone does damage to my property, I consider that violence! We've had some major problems with that from some of these people and that, added to them being the most INCONSIDERATE individuals when it comes to parking (not to mention their behavior in a public place), is enough, IMHO, to warrant complaints! Period! End of discussion! :p:

Damage to your property is not violence. Damage to life, limb or eyesight is violence. You are wrong in your thinking.

Oh, wait, what was I thinking, Sojourner is never wrong. I forgot about those days on DMI. You argue your point to the death even when you are proven wrong by law, by morals or by common sense.

How about keying people's cars? Is that violence?

Welcome to 21st century America. There isn't a parking lot in the nation where that hasn't happened at one time or another. In most cases enthusiast gatherings have nothing to do with the keying. It's done by kids passing through the lot vandalizing and stealing from cars, or adults who are pissed off that someone parked too close to their car.

I nearly got ran over by a bimbo who was backing out of her parking spot. She was gabbing on her cell phone and wasn't paying attention to what was going on around her. I guess I should start hating all women who use use parking lots and talk on cell phones? Nah, each incident has to be weighed on it's own merits.

Damage to your property is not violence. Damage to life, limb or eyesight is violence. You are wrong in your thinking.

Oh, wait, what was I thinking, Sojourner is never wrong. I forgot about those days on DMI. You argue your point to the death even when you are proven wrong by law, by morals or by common sense.

So, if someone damages my property, I have no right or even moral obligation to complain about it? Yeah.... that makes sense! The last time I looked, the law says that doing damage to another person's property is AGAINST the law and you have every right to demand restitution or have the person prosecuted.

Again, I always admit when I am wrong and have done so even in this thread. So get off it already! :rolleyes:

Welcome to 21st century America. There isn't a parking lot in the nation where that hasn't happened at one time or another. In most cases enthusiast gatherings have nothing to do with the keying. It's done by kids passing through the lot vandalizing and stealing from cars, or adults who are pissed off that someone parked too close to their car.

I nearly got ran over by a bimbo who was backing out of her parking spot. She was gabbing on her cell phone and wasn't paying attention to what was going on around her. I guess I should start hating all women who use use parking lots and talk on cell phones? Nah, each incident has to be weighed on it's own merits.

I'm talking about this being witnessed by other people who finally got tired of it. Not just "guessing" who did it or making things up to get rid of a group. It's completely wrong and, if I were to witness it myself, you bet your bottom dollar I would turn the person in. People work hard for what they own and just because you don't like what someone says to you is no reason to do damage to their property.

Well, here, in California, as one of the articles said, within a 3 month period, there were 13 deaths due to street racers who don't give a cr*p about other people's lives (or even their own)! NOT ONE OF THOSE was in an Explorer (or any other SUV) going 100 mph!

And not one of them was parked in a parking lot hanging out at the time that they killed the other person.

I have plenty of friends who race LEGALLY (with modified vehicles) and are never bothered by the police out here. They carry their records with them when driving their cars on the streets. There are ways to prove you are doing things in a safe manner. If you can't, then you shouldn't be driving a modified car. It's a matter of are you trying to hide something from the law or are you following the law? If you have nothing to hide, then there is nothing to gripe about.

No? You should not have to prove that you used modifications legally on a vehicle when you are caught doing nothing at all. A cop does not have the right to come up to someone with a modified vehicle sitting in a parking lot and say show me that you use these modifications legally and then give them a ticket when they can't when they were just sitting there not breaking any laws.

Using this logic a cop can pull you over when you were going 5mph under the speed limit and say to you "prove to me you have never driven over the speed limit", and then give you a ticket when you can't prove it.

How many times have you guys been harassed because of your gatherings, strictly based on your vehicles? Not even once, if I miss my guess. ;)

We have once. Or I should say we probably would have if we hadn't of left right when the cops come and started poking around. We were in the far end of a parking lot with about 5 or 8 Explorers a few lifted and a few stock or stock looking. About three cop cars rolled up nearby and started checking us out, because of Explorers.

They go to the car enthusiast shows out here and they DON'T street race!! If you have a suped up car, what do you intend to do with it if not race it?? If you want to race it, why not go to a track, keep your records with you and let police know you do it legally?

You have a four banger Camry that will do 120mph. You must intend to drive recklessly at 120mph down the highway.

I really HATE people who come in late and don't read the entire thread before responding! :mad:

I really HATE people who come in late and don't read the entire thread before responding! :mad:

Sorry but if I had read the entire thread first I never would have remembered everything I wanted to comment on and where it was. Some of it I would still wanted to comment on. ;)

I really HATE IT when people say they hate people without having a full grasp of the meaning of the word. ;)

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Sorry but if I had read the entire thread first I never would have remembered everything I wanted to comment on and where it was. Some of it I would still wanted to comment on. ;)

I really HATE IT when people say they hate people without having a full grasp of the meaning of the word. ;)

Sorry! I meant to say "I hate it when people come in and comment before they read the entire thread." ;)
