Is the Big One coming..This Week? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is the Big One coming..This Week?

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well the Yellowstone volcano is the worlds biggest super volcano its a global killer and its long over due for its annual eruption.
check it out.
That looks like a real reputable web site; I like the informative articles on alien invasions and silent, deadly methane explosions that would wipe out the world. I mean, I have had some pretty nasty SBD methane explosions, but never have I killed anyone with them....:mattmoon::fart::D

That looks like a real reputable web site; I like the informative articles on alien invasions and silent, deadly methane explosions that would wipe out the world. I mean, I have had some pretty nasty SBD methane explosions, but never have I killed anyone with them....:mattmoon::fart::D

that you know of!!!!!:p::rolleyes:

ha ha ya very true sorry watched it on the history channel the other day and that was sadly the only site i knew of. sorry ha ha. and i use to live in Wyoming it was always a big issue.

ha ha ya very true sorry watched it on the history channel the other day and that was sadly the only site i knew of. sorry ha ha. and i use to live in Wyoming it was always a big issue.
If that thing blew, I guess it would not matter where you lived. The flatulance that ends the world. Wow.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Shaky Shaky again!!! 3.9 at 10:55am Borrego Springs the center

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Shaky Shaky again!!! 3.9 at 10:55am Borrego Springs the center
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

I think its just some crazy government cover-up. They are testing a new weapon and just want us to think its earthquakes.

...Rock and roll baby...:D

...We had an earthquake at 5 pm this evening of a 3.8 magnitude centered in Yorba Linda..We just received 2 more which were 4.0 and 3.0 centered the same place, back to back, just a few minutes ago..

...I am checking the maps but their time stamp is out of whack and says it's Friday...:rolleyes:

think they post the times in GMT :dunno:

Here we go again... Just had a 4.4 six miles from westlake village. so probally nobody felt it.:rolleyes:

I was in the bathroom (worst place for a quake can I just say:() when I heard all the walls crack and shift, like a big gust of wind hit the house. never felt anything though.

Of course it is kinda Earthquake weather.

...Didn't feel it here but, I hope you were able to finish your um, paperwork...:D

...If you noticed, they are all working their way up to San Francisco for the big Finale..:D

...If you noticed, they are all working their way up to San Francisco for the big Finale..:D
I think the Serious Explorations server is up there so lets hope not. That and Tom Davis.........the rest of that city I could do without.:p:

This thread is over a month old. Getting tired of waiting here--:p:

I was told that by now I would have ocean front veiw within a day of the rocky islands

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