The Big Run: Truckhaven Oct. 23-24th 2010 | Page 19 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Big Run: Truckhaven Oct. 23-24th 2010

...It's all better now...:biggthump

..Now that I removed the stick...:rolleyes:


WTF? How in the heck did that penetrate the tire?

Must be Petrified wood!

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...The desert has all kinds of obstacles...

...Just my luck, I find the only punji stick in the whole area...:(

WTF? How in the heck did that penetrate the tire?

Must be Petrified wood!

Actually your not to far from the truth, there is Petrified Wood out there, we have com across it many times out there. Just pieces though, never a log or anything

I really need to load my pics:rolleyes:

...Hurry up and load them pics...:bounce:

...I really like that first pic with RangerX and John Rock...This is a cool pic too of Dave Alfaro...


^That was seconds before he backed his bumper into that rock. I also really like that video of RJ climbing that little hill in the wash, i just couldn't embed it here.

Nice pics. I love the first two you posted

Damn I miss T-haven :( Good to see that I am not the only one that can twist up a TTB.

ok since Stic-o is holding back here are a few teasers



...I like the first pic of this set too...I think having the second vehicles in the shot gives the pictures more depth..:biggthump

...Btw...:shifty_ey...I see it's Dave Alfaro's Birthday today...:party:

Agreed, pics with two or more cars are pretty sweet.

I like zukmans explorer, looks like my older brother, and we get stuck the same way haha

...While we are waiting for Stic-o to load his pictures...:p:

...Here is another pic of the Maniak...What you can't really see is, his co-pilot is digging the mirror out of the wall..:D


Gotta love those "soft" Truck Haven slots:D

Gotta love those "soft" Truck Haven slots:D

As soft as they are, I still folded in the mirror using the wall. I can't ever do it by hand. I always have to hit something.

I am glad is is somewhat soft. I've got some scratches on the rear side glass now where I had the truck leaning on the wall a couple times (both sides.. I believe in equal opportunity :))


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