Help with A/C. (Video) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help with A/C. (Video)


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
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City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
I posted a thread about this a while ago. Whenever I turn my A/C on my RPM rises and drops, there's also a clicking sound that it makes while it does this. Here's a link to the video. Sorry about the low volume.

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The clicking sound is the compressor cycling.
RPM's get a slight boost to compensate for the load when the compressor is engaged.

Is there something wrong with your A/C? Is it cooling correctly?

The clicking sound is the compressor cycling.
RPM's get a slight boost to compensate for the load when the compressor is engaged.

Is there something wrong with your A/C? Is it cooling correctly?

The air comes out cool, not exactly cold, even on the lowest setting. My friend looked at the compressor and saw that it turns on/off while the A/C is on. He said that the compressor should stay on as long as the A/C is running. My compressor's the stock one from 2000.

The compressor cycles to maintain the correct line pressures and evaporator temperature, it's normal. If your a/c isn't ice cold, have the system looked at by a qualified a/c tech. It's possible you may be a little low on R134. An evacuation and recharge may be necessary to bring the system back to full strength.

The compressor cycles to maintain the correct line pressures and evaporator temperature, it's normal. If your a/c isn't ice cold, have the system looked at by a qualified a/c tech. It's possible you may be a little low on R134. An evacuation and recharge may be necessary to bring the system back to full strength.

The R134 was replaced just a few months ago as part of a tune up my mechanic did. I don't want to judge the compressor just by appearance but it's pretty old with some rust on it. I've got a new one that's been sitting in my room for a few months now. Not sure if I should replace it though, but I'll have someone qualified look at it.

You have a check engine light. Have the codes read and search them.
