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Completed Project New Navajo Truggy build

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Light bar is sweet! Post some beam pics if you have a chance.

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Just read entire thread!!! Wow. Looks great

Tube work

Build looks great, cage and light bar looks right...can't wait to see how your going to tie the rear shocks back into the tube work.

More light bar work

I had a few hours tonight to work on the Navajo.




That thing is looking sweet! I wish I had your skills and wallet!!

14" Bilstein Coil Overs part 1

Trying to get this thing done in time for a Thanksgiving trip to the desert. I really didn't want to take it any where with the front suspension being so soft. I bought a set of used 14" Bilstein coil overs and had them rebuilt. The suspension cycles out exactly at 14".

Started with the radius arms. I torched off the lower coil retainer


I wanted a little of adjustability so I am installing 2 mounts. I'm thinking if the coil overs are too stiff I can play around with the position of the C/O.


Boxing everything in.


Sneak peak at the coil hoop.

i had a dream last night that this truck was mine... then i died a little inside when i woke up.

Coil over shocks finished

This is the passenger side. What a pain in the ass this side was. I had to move P.S hoses, please ignore the ****ty brake tubing job.

Cut pieces to fit contour of the frame.

I havent figured out what to do with the HUGE reservoir

It sits about 2 or 3 inches higher that I wanted. The coil adjuster is all the way loose. After I drive it I will know what needs to be done. I'm sure it will need softer springs.

I think the heavier spring is 400 lb.

The passenger side was much easier. I was able to land the tubing right on top of the frame. The best thing about the whole coil over conversion is that i was able to use the shock hoops I had previously made.


Front Air Bump Cans

I couldnt resist flexing it out with the new coil over's

Started making a landing area for the bump stops


I called Radflo and got the dimension for their 4" air bumps. I'm using these poly bump stops for the time being.

The problem with radius arms at full bump is the track bar swing. The axle is quite a bit over to the passanger side. This would make the passanger side bump stop sit outboard of the frame sugnifigantly more than the driver side.
I compensated for this by making the bump contact the outside edge of the landing area on the drivers side and the inside landing area on the passanger side. It somewhat evens out the mounting of the bumps.


INsane! Your work is beyond real.

All the time invested will be worthwhile the first time you take your creation out and use it for its intended purpose :thumbsup:

Hand operated light bar (Adjustable)

I wanted to make the light bar adjustable on the fly.

Being that both the ends were attached with heims I needed a way to provide friction so the lights would not move unless I moved them.

I started by machining out some steel pipe to accommodate a piece of copper tube. I cut a slit in both to allow the squeeze and welded some smaller tubing for bolts. The copper acts like a bushing.

Mounted this piece to the middle of the light bar tubing

I welded on some pieces of tubing on either end for hand grips. Both passenger and driver can operate by reaching outside the window.

I stole some grips off my daughters scooter. She wont mind.

Ingenious! Hate to see your daughters face when she sees her scooter without hand grips! Heh Heh

Rear shock mounts

Finished the rear shock mounts today.






Finally removed the cage and welded it up today.

The unistrut is so the cage doesn't warp.

:notworthy:notworthyOMG it's a mammoth task, I can not explain what I feel when I see all you did fact, what mastery, and all these ideas, I am dreaming to such an achievement, Congratulations you are a genius Mr Elgatoprerunner:thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Almost finished

:notworthy:notworthyOMG it's a mammoth task, I can not explain what I feel when I see all you did fact, what mastery, and all these ideas, I am dreaming to such an achievement, Congratulations you are a genius Mr Elgatoprerunner:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Wow. Your too kind. I hope my head will fit through the door now.

Before I welded the cage on I thought I should do something with the 1/2 a rear fender well I had left after the chop.

I cut the outer skin to the shape I was looking for being careful not to cut the inside fender well lip.
I made some relief cuts in the inner fender well and bent and hammered them to meet the outer skin. Then tacked them together.



The picture is bad but it turned out pretty good. A little bondo and it looks close to factory.

Almost finished painting


This is from the first trip out. I'm trying to put together a video from my Go Pro helmet cam I mounted all over to get some cool action shots. As soon as I figure it out I will post.
