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Mounting / Wiring Radar Detector

It doesn't work that way. There should be enough amperage to power both the mirror and radar detector. As for grounds, you cand daisy-chain them till the cows come home.

The idea is to tap the power to the big deal that it's in use already. When I remote start the radar detector isn't on and when I get in and tap the start/ignition switch twice it comes on. Very cool.

Thanks so much both of you. Typical of me to over think things. I was assuming you just use a free port in there. I plugged them right in and everything is working. So happy to have the Valentine 1 going again!

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Thanks so much both of you. Typical of me to over think things. I was assuming you just use a free port in there. I plugged them right in and everything is working. So happy to have the Valentine 1 going again!

Glad to hear it :)

For those that purchased the mirrortap, are you using the regular or micro connection? On the BlendMount website it says the 2012 Explorer Limited uses standard, not the micro. I believe my XLT has the auto-dimming electrochromatic mirrors

BTW the folks at BlendMount are beyond helpful. Definitely a first class operation

I ordered the micro, but the mechanic at the dealer found even with that the fit for the pin into the Molex connector was very tight so he scraped the wires he wanted to tap and soldered to them and taped the connection. Has been perfect so far.

For those that purchased the mirrortap, are you using the regular or micro connection? On the BlendMount website it says the 2012 Explorer Limited uses standard, not the micro. I believe my XLT has the auto-dimming electrochromatic mirrors

BTW the folks at BlendMount are beyond helpful. Definitely a first class operation

For those that purchased the mirrortap, are you using the regular or micro connection? On the BlendMount website it says the 2012 Explorer Limited uses standard, not the micro. I believe my XLT has the auto-dimming electrochromatic mirrors

BTW the folks at BlendMount are beyond helpful. Definitely a first class operation
I agree, the folks at BlendMount are First Class!

I think the micro would work best even if the new plug does not require it.

Like pwscott, I too found the micro hard to fit.

I'm glade some of you like my suggestion on the BlendMount setup!

So just so I'm clear on all this...and thank you all so much for this post !!!...Do you just plug the micro wire taps into the same holes as the ones the mirror is currently in ?? So there are 2 wires in the same hole ?? 2 in the 12volt (radar and mirror), 2 in the ground (radar and mirror)?? They fit ??

And did anyone have to remove the mirror to get more space back there ?? Everyone says it's "tight", but I assume you got it, obviously. :)

Same Mount

They look to be the same exact product with just Escort reselling the Blend Mount kits. Are you sure the new Ex has the recessed thing going on? I would have expected it would be the same mirror.

Has anyone ordered a blendmount from I'm ordering for my 2013 which has a cylindrical stem but I also believe it's recessed, so I'm not sure which one to order.

I was wondering if the Lane Assist camera would provide any interference for the detector or mount? I have not seen this feature/equipment in person. I just know its located behind the mirror.

Here are some pictures of the rearview mirror, not much clearance behind the mirror and not sure if the blendmount will fit.



Customer Service at were not of much help so I called blendmount and was asked to send pictures of the rearview mirror to them.
They replied back saying that the new BMWs have the exact same mirror and they are making a new mount for it. I've been added to the BMW Contact List and they said it would be a few weeks for me to get my new mount! Maybe I'll get the mirror mount before the sharkfin antenna :)

Can someone explain exactly how you plug this MirrorTap cord in?

I'm an electrical moron and am not understanding this.

This is what I have:

The molex connector easily detaches from behind the mirror, I just don't know how to plug this new chord into it.

From what I can gather from this thread, you're supposed to plug the red plug into where the top left wire is in the below picture. Black wire into where the bottom right is.

How do I plug these wires into spots where wires are already plugged in? Will any of the other empty slots work?

This is what I have:

The molex connector easily detaches from behind the mirror, I just don't know how to plug this new chord into it.

From what I can gather from this thread, you're supposed to plug the red plug into where the top left wire is in the below picture. Black wire into where the bottom right is.

How do I plug these wires into spots where wires are already plugged in? Will any of the other empty slots work?

Hi Matt,

I gave up when I tried, but my son was brave enough to push them in. One thing you should pay attention is the thickness of the pins. If you feel you can not tap into the molex connector, do not force them. Run into Radio Shack or any other electronics parts store, remove the ones that you have, get smaller pins and replace the ones you have. Another option is to ask your vendor if the have a cable with thinner pins. That should solve the issue, IMHO.


So your son put them in the same spots as the other ones?

So your son put them in the same spots as the other ones?


There is a schematic of the molex connector in PDF, PM your email.


Cables Connected to RV Mirror Molex Pin

Cables connected to the Molex Connector.



  • Molex RV Mirror.jpg
    Molex RV Mirror.jpg
    63 KB · Views: 895

I had some spare time and an open milling machine and this is what I came up with:


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I was wondering if the Lane Assist camera would provide any interference for the detector or mount? I have not seen this feature/equipment in person. I just know its located behind the mirror.

Clean install, tight but no interference with the Lane Assist camera housing

MirrorTap, Radar Detector Power Cord With Inline Fuse - MT-2009
Decided not to tap into the mirror, had cable run to the fusebox and connected to the ignition.

BlendMount 2000 Series Mount for Escort radar detector - BBE-2000
