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Mounting / Wiring Radar Detector

I ordered the MirrorTap MT-3009 9-Inch from their website. I ordered the NANO sized connectors and they both fit like a glove. I installed them into the two lower wires of the oem connector. Black with the black and the Mirror Tap's Red with the Blue/White Factory wire on the same row as the black oem ground. I have an 8500 X50 and the phone type connector was a perfect match. Even though the conector says NANO size, it actually has a lil heft to them and they did not bend at all with just a little bit of pressure to get them to slide in like butter into the mating slots.

Hope this helps.

Yes it was expensive, yes it took 90 seconds to install, yes it looks factory, yes shipping took two days to be delivered from Cali to Florida, yes the customer service at MirrorTap were very informative on having me order the correct wire on the first attempt with ZERO modifications.

The two tiny zip ties that come with the order are perfect for mating up the new wire to the oem wire.


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Just to get under everyone's skin a bit...

In the U.S. it is actually illegal to make radar detectors illegal! The police 'rent' the bands used for radar speed enforcement from the FCC. That is the ONLY way anyone can legally broadcast a signal. In accordance with Article 34 of the FCC Constitution, Any signal that is rented from and authorized for broadcast by the FCC is authorized for any citizen to receive. While I'm going from memory so the exact wording may be slightly different, that's what it says.
Therefore it is a violation of your rights to attempt to prevent you from receiving broadcast radar signals.

Notice that the police don't actually confiscate the unit from your vehicle, but they ask you to relinquish it...

While it's true a radar detector can't be illegal, the law can prohibit you from using them while in a motor vehicle. They aren't of much use while not driving, so in the end it's generally accepted that it's illegal to use them in those states where prohibited by the vehicle code :)

I thought that I should do a review on this thing, it was just too easy. I did my research online and found that some people were having a tough time stuffing the connector ends into the harness, so I found a website that was selling the Mirror Tap with an option for "nano" sized ends. This was perfect, they slip right into the factory harness and make contact with the terminals. It is just enough that it fits snugly but easily.
This is where I found it:

I chose these options: 12" length, Nano size

This was on a 2014 Explorer Sport, but I imagine that any Explorers in this generation will be using the same Molex connector for the rear view mirror so it should fit all of them perfectly.

For reference, this is how to wire it:
When you pull the cable out of the back of the mirror you will see 3 wires. One black and two blue/white. Black is ground. The bottom blue/white wire is the 12v. Just slip the bare ends of the Mirror Tap into each and you're all wired up!

I know that you could build this same wire for probably $2 worth of parts, but you will spend a lot of time shopping for the parts, cutting, soldering, crimping, etc. For $30 all I had to do is plug it up so it was a good value for me. The cable seems to be of a very good quality as well.

This was incredibly easy thanks to you!! I just slipped the wires in and the detector is good to go! Thanks!!

I used the same setup blendmount and mirror tap looks great and works really well.

Update- after a month of using the Mirrortap with the NANO sized clips, it has failed. The red tap has broken off. One phone call to Mirrortap and a brief description of what occurred with the product resulted in them sending me a new unit one size larger than the NANO without charge. I haven't received the new unit but I am already pleased with their customer support.

I have already removed the broken tap/tab that was wedged into the oem power block using a tiny eyeglass screwdriver. It was very easy to remove.

I am going to add a little more slack on the replacement wire before I zip-tie it to the existing Ford wire. The only ideas I can come up with on why it failed is because the NANO sized tab was way too thin or I did not leave enough slack in the wire to allow full movement of the rear-view mirror which in turned bent the tab back and forth which lead to failure.

The NANO sized tabs were very easy to wedge next to the existing wires. I will let you know how easily the one size thicker tab installs.


Why not just follow the speed limit? Maybe 5 MPH over. How much time are you really going to save? And at what cost?

Incredibly useless post. I have driven with a RD for many, MANY years and all of mine have paid for themselves many times over.

If you don't break a single traffic law in the course of a day you are certainly in the minority.

most states have laws for stuff attached to the windshield which voids most radar detectors. Even standalone gps.

If enforced or not, thats something else, but most states dont allow anything to be attached to the windshield.


Incredibly useless post. I have driven with a RD for many, MANY years and all of mine have paid for themselves many times over.

If you don't break a single traffic law in the course of a day you are certainly in the minority.
I strongly disagree with your statement, "Incredibly useless post." The suggestion made by Bill #4 Explorer is a very valid one compared to the one that you make that seems to suggest that you are a habitual speeder. I am sure that many drivers exceed the speed limits. I also will on occasion set my cruise control at 68 mph on a 60 mph highway knowing that I will likely not be stopped at any speed up to 10 mph over the posted limit.


I strongly disagree with your statement, "Incredibly useless post." The suggestion made by Bill #4 Explorer is a very valid one compared to the one that you make that seems to suggest that you are a habitual speeder. I am sure that many drivers exceed the speed limits. I also will on occasion set my cruise control at 68 mph on a 60 mph highway knowing that I will likely not be stopped at any speed up to 10 mph over the posted limit.


Someone had a valid question about mounting a radar detector and he gets an unsolicited lecture about speeding? That's helpful in your book?

I use a RD mostly so I can be aware of when police are around, not necessarily because I'm some reckless speed demon. I will use whatever tools are available to reduce my interactions with them altogether.

back on topic

I wanted to share my mounting and wiring job. A blend mount and mirror tap. Pretty clean.


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I wanted to share my mounting and wiring job. A blend mount and mirror tap. Pretty clean.

Yeah, would have been even more stealth to mount that display somewhere lower on the dash, but looks good.

Nice clean setup. Not being familiar with detectors, is that red display always on? Just curious if that wouldn't be bothersome at night when using the mirror.


Nice clean setup. Not being familiar with detectors, is that red display always on? Just curious if that wouldn't be bothersome at night when using the mirror.


That is the signal/detection indicator. Radar detectors have the capability of turning it off (you are warned by sound) or you can dim the intensity of the display for night driving.

Beleive that is the case of the Escort.


Thanks for that info BM.:thumbsup:


Nice clean setup. Not being familiar with detectors, is that red display always on? Just curious if that wouldn't be bothersome at night when using the mirror.

Thank you

That is the signal/detection indicator. Radar detectors have the capability of turning it off (you are warned by sound) or you can dim the intensity of the display for night driving.

Beleive that is the case of the Escort.

And yes like BM Said I can control the indicator.

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