Please welcome - The Ford IVT Team | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Please welcome - The Ford IVT Team

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Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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'93 XL '20 ST
Ford has set up a new account with us to deal specifically your SYNC, MyFord Touch, and navigation questions.

Cory will still be here to help with order inquiries and other issues not related to In Vehicle Technology.

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Here's to hoping it stays civil... :)

Cool. I'm pretty new here but I think this is a step in the right direction.

This is excellent news.

Hope they have better advice than "pull fuse 29".

Ford has set up a new account with us to deal specifically your SYNC, MyFord Touch, and navigation questions.

I *REALLY* hope they resolve some of the issues around pulling fuses, battery cables, map information that is inaccurate and lack of Canadian TDI service, so that I can buy an Explorer.

I like the Explorer (to the point I want to pay $50K for one), but there is just way too much going wrong for me to buy without some fixes coming into play. It would be nice to get an update of where Ford thinks we are at vis-a-vis Sync & MFT fixes that they are working on, and the TeleNav map issues.


Ford has set up a new account with us to deal specifically your SYNC, MyFord Touch, and navigation questions.

Cory will still be here to help with order inquiries and other issues not related to In Vehicle Technology.
And what will they do?

IVT Team

Ford has set up a new account with us to deal specifically your SYNC, MyFord Touch, and navigation questions.

Cory will still be here to help with order inquiries and other issues not related to In Vehicle Technology.

Does this mean there will be a separate forum for these issues?

Welcome to the forums!!

I think we are all waiting to find out when is the update for MFT that will speed up this system and resolve some of the issues people are having. :rolleyes:

Ford has set up a new account with us to deal specifically your SYNC, MyFord Touch, and navigation questions.

Cory will still be here to help with order inquiries and other issues not related to In Vehicle Technology.
Thanks for the announcement Rick!

I know Rebecca is excited to join this amazing community! I hope you’ll make them feel just as welcome as you did with me!


Thanks for the announcement Rick!

I know Rebecca and Jaclyn are excited to join this amazing community! I hope you’ll make them feel just as welcome as you did with me!


Will they be using a different user name?

They will be using FordIVTteam as their user name.

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for the warm welcome :D

I'm very excited to be working with all of you to solve your SYNC, MyFord Touch, and Navigation concerns. It seems the most common question right now is, "When will the new software update be available??" The answer is... (drum roll please) by the end of July! :biggthump

Now let's get started with some questions!

I *REALLY* hope they resolve some of the issues around pulling fuses, battery cables, map information that is inaccurate and lack of Canadian TDI service, so that I can buy an Explorer.

I like the Explorer (to the point I want to pay $50K for one), but there is just way too much going wrong for me to buy without some fixes coming into play. It would be nice to get an update of where Ford thinks we are at vis-a-vis Sync & MFT fixes that they are working on, and the TeleNav map issues.


calb - I rarely advise to do a fuse pull; there are other troubleshooting steps that should be done beforehand.

A battery cable disconnect erases all codes that may help diagnose your vehicle; it should be performed by your service department.

We are exploring SYNC Services for Canada. Currently, we are looking at the consumer interest level and the additional technology that would be needed in order to implement the services.

Here is a link to vote on this idea or submit a different idea to us:

(dead link)

If you have specific concerns about the telenav map data and missing information from it, please feel free to send me a private message with more details.


Hi Everyone!

Thanks for the warm welcome :D

I'm very excited to be working with all of you to solve your SYNC, MyFord Touch, and Navigation concerns. It seems the most common question right now is, "When will the new software update be available??" The answer is... (drum roll please) by the end of July! :biggthump

If you have specific concerns about the telenav map data and missing information from it, please feel free to send me a private message with more details.

I tried the above link and received the following error message; 404 - Not Found. I also tried copying and pasting the link and still received the same response.


I tried the above link and received the following error message; 404 - Not Found. I also tried copying and pasting the link and still received the same response.


Please try it again, Peter.

If it continues to give you an error, go to:

Click on Your IDEAS, then search for "Sync Services in Canada."

Now let's get started with some questions!

Welcome! Originally there was a ton of talk about a public developer API/SDK going to be made available for SYNC/MFT. Information on this has ceased and I've been in the dark since purchasing the explorer. When is this supposed to happen?

Pandora? Twitter?

Welcome! Originally there was a ton of talk about a public developer API/SDK going to be made available for SYNC/MFT. Information on this has ceased and I've been in the dark since purchasing the explorer. When is this supposed to happen?

Yes... What happened to all of these features announced back in 2010?

I know a lot of people anxiously awaiting the Pandora Sync app.....


MFT issues

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for the warm welcome :D

I'm very excited to be working with all of you to solve your SYNC, MyFord Touch, and Navigation concerns. It seems the most common question right now is, "When will the new software update be available??" The answer is... (drum roll please) by the end of July! :biggthump

Now let's get started with some questions!

calb - I rarely advise to do a fuse pull; there are other troubleshooting steps that should be done beforehand.

A battery cable disconnect erases all codes that may help diagnose your vehicle; it should be performed by your service department.

We are exploring SYNC Services for Canada. Currently, we are looking at the consumer interest level and the additional technology that would be needed in order to implement the services.

Here is a link to vote on this idea or submit a different idea to us:

If you have specific concerns about the telenav map data and missing information from it, please feel free to send me a private message with more details.


When my screen went blank I took it to the dealer. Mind you I didn't have an appointment and it was after 5:00. The technician pulled the battery lead.

So the next time I should suggest to the dealer that they pull any error codes that might be in the system before pulling the battery lead?

That is helpful information.

Rebecca, will Ford start releases details of each upgrade/fix? I know many have asked and hope that Ford starts doing this.

Example. V2.7 fixed X, X and X

V2.8 Fixed X, X, X and X etc.

I don't know if they have plans to do this but I would ask that you pass that request along. I think it would help current owners greatly so they know whether they should even bother getting it or not. A lot of us have great MFT experience with extremely miinor bugs and others have MAJOR issues. I know some of us have the mentality of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Thanks and welcome, I'm sure you will be bombarded with issues, questions and concerns. Grab a few drinks to keep next to you lol.

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Regarding the SYNC Services in Canada is it possible to just explain WHY we cannot have the option to get these services?

Canadians buy a Ford vehicle with SYNC and MFT but cant get:

-SYNC Services TDI
-Sirius Travel Link and Traffic
-Vehicle Health Report

If someone lives in both Canada and the USA it would be nice to have the option to subscribe to these Services.

GM OnStar offers similar services to Canadians including their version of VHR.

GM XM/Sirius subscription in Canada offers XM NavTraffic.

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