Audio won't turn off | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Audio won't turn off


New Member
August 7, 2011
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2011 Explorer
I have not found mention of this problem: I cannot turn off the radio, either using the physical power button or voice commands.

I have seen comments about the radio not turning off when the key is removed and the door is opened; I had that problem one time but this is different. When the car is on and I press the power button below the MFT Screen, it beeps but nothing happens. I also cannot tune using the buttons below the screen, although I can change stations using the screen. The physical volume knob works as well as the volume on steering wheel. When using the voice commands, I can say "Audio off" and it indicates "success" but does nothing.


My Ex is June build date with 600 miles. It is running 2.8 MFT.


On your mft, go to the radio section and change from am/fm to sirius back and forth a few times... Maybe even change a few channels in each... Then try your power button.


Thanks for the suggestion. Tried it without any luck. I ended up pulling fuse 29, which got everything back working. I have to agree with others. The fuse box is hard to get at and 29 is the hardest to see/reach.

