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Return from Big Bear rain, wind, mud, rock, and yes even some snow run!

So I made it to work just fine...:rolleyes:
... a little disappointed that there was only 1-2" instead of 1-2 ft.

pics to follow.


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  • BB14.jpg
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...boomer, when you get a chance can you post the trail numbers to those runs...i think i'll mark up a map one day for fun, just so we know what trails we run and what trails we need to run...half the fun was the roads between the trails themselves, thanks...:D

3N14 -> 3N12 -> 3N16 -> 4N16 -> 3N17 (White Mtn) -> 3N11 -> 3N10 (play area) -> 3N05 -> 3N61 (Jacoby cyn)...;)

...thanks, i'll post this up front on the trail report...maybe we can do that to the last report too...:scratch:

...i am glad it's not me who had to show up to work today because i'm a little tired from that rained most of the night here and the sun is trying to pop out...i guess we have another storm coming in tonight thru tomorrow...
....btw, the burn areas down here had received about 5" of rain by last evening news and they have all types of seismology equipment out measuring movement...

Those pics should be attached to the OffRoading sticky...

another difference is i have the triple strap on video :D some more photos

Behind the vehicle on an incline :nono:

Behind an open door on an incline with your back turned :nono:

This is not how you end up on u-toob, this is how you end up in ICU.

That sandwich did look rather tasty, roastbeef?

...donner, you are bringing your truck out to truck haven aren't you...:D


You gonna try to kick my @$$ for this post??:D

Let me read about it, and I'll let you know...

You gonna try to kick my @$$ for this post??
Kicking ass?
Babe you're missing the point of Thaven -- its a vast expanse of nothing but love. :)

...heck no, we aren't like that at all...when you popped on here i was thinking of your new lights and you saying that you wanted to go on one of the off road trips...truckhaven is one of those places that we do night runs with all the lights...a great place to adjust your lights and have fun at the same time...
...and you and your boys could meet the great people on this sight...:D

No problem...

Kicking ass?
Babe you're missing the point of Thaven -- its a vast expanse of nothing but love. :)

It's all good! I think we can do this...

...heck no, we aren't like that at all...when you popped on here i was thinking of your new lights and you saying that you wanted to go on one of the off road trips...truckhaven is one of those places that we do night runs with all the lights...a great place to adjust your lights and have fun at the same time...
...and you and your boys could meet the great people on this sight...:D

Exploderpilot was telling me about this, but I gotta watch the drive time. I think we can make this for a few hours or so...

WTF!! I missed another big bear run? I never even saw the thread planning it! Well if another one happens soon, i'm sure my dad would love to take his jeep up there, as my mounty wouldn't make it very far. If i don't chime into the next thread, someone please let me know about it. :) Oh, and it looks like you all had a ton of fun...that's my favorite thing about storms in southern california is the mud you can have fun in afterwards :)

if another one happens soon, i'm sure my dad would love to take his jeep up there
I will try to remember to PM you, but keep your eye on the California forum. I'm planning on dragging at least Cybergasm back up here as soon as possible to fork over the gloves he borrowed :)

So now, where is the mud today in OC?

Any place near south oc today? just for practice.... I hear there is something around Ortega Hwy (74)

Tbars, that's the thread i found this morning, which led me to this one :confused:

Thanks Ritsui :thumbsup:

And Donner, there is supposedly an offroad park near irvine lake, i think it's called it and it'll come up i think. I'm game for going there one day soon, or even doing that main divide road again. Tbars, i never heard from you whether it's still accessible after the fire.

And my vote for most proficient driver of the day goes to Cyber...;)

uh wow thanks Boomer:D

Well that I have gotten some sleep....this run was worth it for me to leave Phoenix AZ at midnight drive back to Rancho Cucamonga get there at 6AM and then drive directly to Big Bear and wheel:D made for a long tiring day.:confused:But it was great:thumbsup:

But it was a great trip for me this time since I got to see more of the trails then I did the last time. ;) and they were pretty awesome to me with the varied terrain and weather conditions and the challenges it provided.

Biggest problem I had all day was losing the light bar and oh yea forgetting to air down before going on the trail:p: that alone provided some "yahoo" moments for me :D trying to keep the X in straight line in the slushy sections till I was able to air down a bit.

afterwards the truck did great went where i wanted it to even tho i did find a few rocks out there so i know i have a few new scratches and gouges under there including a good size one on my front diff.:D

and of course ending the day at that little Mexican Restaurant was a fitting end to a great day.

ahhh well that all i can think about for right now I have more photos and Video:D that I will get posted soon.

...the main divide is closed at least on the santiago canyon side to almost ortega...this is the currently watched burn area that all the seismoligist are on watching for the, this whole area was evacuated on friday...not a good choice of area to go mudding right now...;)

edit: now, if you wanted to go house surfing...:D

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Behind the vehicle on an incline :nono:

Behind an open door on an incline with your back turned :nono:

This is not how you end up on u-toob, this is how you end up in ICU.

All good points:thumbsup:, but unfortunately necessary due to the conditions... :thumbdwn:
If you know you could have done better, then please bring your truck up and show me...;)
