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...i'm batting 1000, lol...

Hokie, i forgot it in my other truck, sorry...
DB1, maybe it was for rockranger so i changed it???
Mounty71, corrected...

...and burns, you wouldn't like it, you would love it...ask izwack...:D

Ahhh, no worries tbars;)

Oh ya, I'm looking forward to seeing Kenny's (DWD's son) Bronco 2 one day in the ditches. He seemed pretty excited about getting that project going.

Hmmm, trying to think who that is...don't know any Bobs with a jeep:scratch:

Looks like you guys had quite a crowd in the ditches, a lot of people out there in general?

Got some work done on the truck this weekend, I should be ready for next months run:D

Oh yeah there was people everywhere you looked. Almost had a blue buggie run me into a sand wall down in the wash.:confused:

R.J. or Mounty71 you remember seeing that Blue Buggie?

...db1, i think the next th run is in jan...??? not sure though...:scratch:

You mean when we went through the washes? First it flew past us, just floating over the whoops, then it came back in the opposite direction.

...i'm up for it, i just hope i can afford it...

...btw guys, i found my 10 bucks i thought i lost by the fire when i opened up the hatch tonight...right on the edge by the bumper...counted change to get home but it's all good...:D

You mean when we went through the washes? First it flew past us, just floating over the whoops, then it came back in the opposite direction.

uh huh that one i saw it on the trailer when i was heading home and noticed it had King tripple bypasses and airbags!.....nice

New Years weekend anyone?

Ya know i am in since i have a new addiction i can not cure....called truck haven.:D

Yeah i am beginning to really like that place:thumbsup: mind you i believe not only myself and dwd, could have made this climb that is before, 90ranajo pulled a tdavis on us and dug about 2' deep sand holes at the base of the rocks...:p:

...90ranajo stuck with all 4 wheels spinning...:D

...diff whack daddy's attempt...

but i made it up :D hahaha and so did a jeep

come on, where's everyone else's pics? sorry i only posted a link to my pics, i didn't want to take the time to resize them :p:

me and jim left pretty early, i hate traffic and wanted to get home with enough time to work on my essay for school (still haven't started on it :rolleyes:) we didn't hit any traffic at all and made it home at 10:30, only 2 1/2 hours to get home :thumbsup: but we noticed when we got home that we forgot to unlock the broncos hubs, so i hope everything is ok with that.

the group seemed small, but it really a pretty good size. a better turn out than i thought it was gonna be. kevin and show were great to watch chop fire wood (you'd have be there really understand i think)

navajo got the best gas mileage its ever gotten. all the way home and the gage needle didn't even move :eek: (we towed it out and back :D)

hmm damage for our vehicles: broken rear pass window, smashed quarter panel, and odd thins that went out over the weekend like the door locks someitmes don't work, the blinkers are blinking crazy, and the a/c onle has low and full blast, nothing in between. they're things to fix but not really off road related. oh and the bronco stereo cut out half way home. so it just kinda turned off and it won't come on anymore. but no broken hubs and no broken axles!!!!!!!!!! :D:thumbsup: and i pushed it as hard as i could, which seems to be more and more every trip.

as far as the jeep flip, im wait for (i think it was) show to chime in since he was taling to the driver, so he knows what actualy was going on with him. but i watched that thing just drive straight of that cliff and flip directly to the roof and that image will haunt me forever. they slammed so hard on they're roof and running down there right after it happen was like it was a movie or something. just felt kinda unbeleivable when you run down and they're moaning and you look up at the 20' ledge. still makes me shake to think about. cause they weren't even trying to do anything crazy or difficult, just drivng straight! if it was me or anyone else without a roll cage, bhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats a bad thought.

on another note, the bronco showed to be a pretty good tow rig :thumbsup: and the navajo is still my dd and runs pretty much fine still. except the window, my pass door has about a 1/2" gap still when you close it.

dang i typed alot of stuff, i don't anyones gonna read it all hahaha

...i got a new one...with the keys out either my fuel pump or t/c are turning on....all by itself it sounds like a power antenna turned on...:scratch:

me and jim left pretty early, i hate traffic and wanted to get home with enough time to work on my essay for school (still haven't started on it )

Haha, i still have some projects to do too.

As for pics, the only camera i have is my phone, which now i remember i took a few pics with, so i'll post them up in a few.

...db1, i think the next th run is in jan...??? not sure though...:scratch:

Next year i should've said...but hell, i'll be ready when my truck is fixed soon:thumbsup:

This is what Kevin let me do while waiting for Maniak on the last night run. RJ also climbed Kevin's tire in Show's Ranger.



And the damage i suffered is a hatch door that no longer opens...gotta get that fixed before i get a flat tire!

Yeah i am getting around to getting my photos up are a few more while we are waiting...:D







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Bob and spouse (a jeeper who says to tell Rockranger and bkennedy hi)

Can't think of any Bob that I know that owns a jeep and also knows Brian. What did his jeep look like?

I tried to stop by Saturday night on my way back from Lake Havasu but sense you moved camp I couldn't find you. Wish I could have wheeled this weekend. It was too windy to take Tracy's dad boat out much while we were out. At least meeting some of her family I have never met was cool.

There was a nasty dune buggy roll up by the arco on 86. There were a bunch of cops and medic there when we drove by.

DWD and 90ranjo always come up with some fun lines to try.
