Got the F-350 home tonight
Turns out that where the input shafts first connection to the interals of the tranny are on an aluminum drum called the center section. Yes, aluminum:thumbdwn: transfering power from a steel input shaft. In a high torque transfer, which do you think will break:scratch: I'm betting the aluminum, because engineered properly, that will take out more internal parts of the transmission than a simple busted shaft and cost the consumer much more.

Stupid Ford engineers

The good news is the tranny is fixed, and engineered well beyond the capabilities of stock so as to prevent this from happening again.
However, it wasn't cheap, and that being said, I think it's only fair to ask all the people that backed out from this trip for their gas money they would have spent to help cover my aching wallet

The total bill came out to


but that does include any and all the available upgrades to make the 4R100 bullet proof

Plus it has a 3yr/36K mile warranty so that provides peace of mind and I couldn't have bought an aftermarket tranny from ATS or BD Diesel for that cheap and the owner of the tranny shop insists that his build is just as strong if not stronger. He even said he would honor the warranty no matter what future horsepower and torque mods I add to it. Hopefully he's right cause it sucks to break down away from home.
Anyone want to second the above proposed motion

Naaahhhhh, just wishfull thinking