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Gatorblazer's Elite

Gatorblazer's Elite (Updated)

***********Continually updating. Check the end of the thread for new stuff*****

Due to the large amount of cash I have saved due to this site, and because I have two of these wonderful SUV's, I decided to become elite. I would love to post pics, but am having a bit of trouble. So until then, I will tell a little about myself and the Explorer's.

My wife and I live in Bham with our doglike cat Putter. He is a stray I found while working on a sewer replacement. He sounds like a little Briggs motor just putting around, so she named him Putter. We have two Explorer's a 93 and a 95 both 2wd. The 95 is a salvage title (rolled 4 times) with 175K and no problems, no leaks. Best car Ive ever had. Mine is a bit different. It leaks oil and only has 126K with a clean title. Lesson learned, only buy rolled Fords. But I love it anyways.

I'm currently searching for the elusive law enforcement job (everything require "experience", which is hard to get if no one will hire you), while the wife is finishing nursing school. I'll shoot them, she'll patch them. Our kids will be so screwed up!

Currently I being forced to wait on mods due to the wife's tution, however she is very supportive of my "hobby". No problems waiting, we've paid cash for school this way and are DEBT FREE! I have the XM backed by the cheap Walmart tape deck, super cool anti-theft shelf in the cargo area, and Rod Saver Fishing rod holders. Once again, pics would be nice but still having trouble.

Thank you all for all the tips, both past present and future!

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Vehicular update.
Before-Stock on 30's

Now with TT/Shackles and 31's and a couple of other goodies

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nice x u got there keep up the good work and congrads on being elite as well

Pics of the 93 after a day of fun with my brother

I had a 92 Sport like that,same color too and I still miss it :( The 2nd gen Sports are nice but less room due to the wider center console, and being a big girl I need every inch of room. I've even thought about removing it but don't know how

Love that flat/matte black paint!

uh, swing out met an untimely demise. Unfortunatly it was removed and trashed due to an incident involving a tree. there will be no replacements.

SOLD IT. Looking for another vehicle

4 years, 3 kids, and several thousand dollars in Isuzu repairs later, I'm back in the explorer business. Just bought an 02 and so far so good. It's like coming home.
Already put some new tires on this one


  • image-664304804.jpg
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Welcome back:chug:

Gratuitous kid photo. Just the older two


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Had to sell the 2002. Looking for a suburban for camper towing and kid hauling
